|| "i'll see you tomorrow"

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-  the 3 times louis worried about harry and the 1 time, harry promised louis tomorrow-

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- the 3 times louis worried about harry and the 1 time, harry promised louis tomorrow-

- 1; tomorrow-

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1. i'm just tired

"boys! boys, gather around please-niall! stop that! boys!" the manager yelled waving her arms like crazy; trying to gain the boys attention—but failing.

"oh my lord—liam! gather the boys for me dear." the lady muttered sitting down in a chair, pointing to liam and the door. these boys were too much work.

liam did a tiny hop with two thumbs up before racing off to gather his band mates who seem to be everywhere but also nowhere.

he quickly dodged around staff members who were also running around trying to prepare the interview; mumbling 'sorry' and 'oops' every once and while as his shoulder keeps bumping into other shoulders.

he finally finds a bit of blonde hair sticking up from the crowd; seeming to be running after one black haired boy and one brown hair boy with—a bucket?

"oh my lord" liam yells as he swiftly passes people trying to get to his insane best friends before they ruin their hair and clothes.

"n-niall! niall!" liam screams on the top of his lungs reaching his arm out to catch the dumb blonde. niall seems to hear as he looks back with shock plastered all over his face.

"oh no!" niall laughs dropping the bucket that was filled with water all over the floor and races off with his arms dramatically flaring in the air. liam quickly snatches the back of niall's shirt pulling him back onto floor.

"i'm sorry! i'm sorry" niall cries playfully on the floor using his arms as protection in from of his face. "call the other boys" liam scolds pointing toward the hallway.

"louis! zayn! come back—he's caught me" niall says as he finally accepts his failure. and like two golden retrievers, louis and zayn poke their head out from the end of the hall making sure niall isn't lying before slowly walking to the pair.

"yes! you honestly thought you could run after the two—" louis starts proudly with his hands on his hip looking proud but getting cut off by liam.

"louis! go get your boyfriend—now!" liam exclaims loudly as he pulls niall up from the shirt collar and grabs zayn's shirt collar before pulling the two toward the room where their manager waited.

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