|| " if we had five more minutes, would i, could i-make you happy?"

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- the one where harry and louis are princes -

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- the one where harry and louis are princes -

-29. prince harry? -

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"don't leave me" harry orders of his guard whose stood right behind him about to walk into the wall of townspeople that stood in front the castle thats holding this ball.

his guard nods his head, signalling that he'll be right behind him the whole time. harry nods with a smile and walks into the crowd of people

"prince harry! how do you feel about the rumors?" one of the townspeople yells flashing his overly expensive cameras at harry once more. the noise muffled by one another as he walks through the hallway of writers.

"harry! over here!" a lady screams from the back of the group, harry just paints a small smile on his face before looking away.

"is it true that you're dating a guy?" a member from the townspeople yell, harry's not completely sure who yelled it but it definitely was loud.

"does the king know you're gay?" someone yells, harry pauses a second before taking a small step forward to take photos by other townspeople too.

just keep smiling. that's all he has to do. make no comments or replies to them.

don't give them a reaction.

that's all they want.

smile and take photos. that's all they will ever want from him—nothing more. the perfect prince would never step out of line. never.

harry holds his hand up to wave at the citizens when his guard put his hand on his back and guiding him out of there into the crowded ballroom.

he takes mental notes of all the comments and questions thrown at him as he walks down the hall. they were always the same.

but that doesn't make them hurt less.

"quite fancy, don't you think?" harry mumbles dragging his hand through his hair, looking back at his guard—who looks as bored as he does.

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