|| " hold my hand, im scared "

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-  the 5 times harry had to surrogate for his friends and the 1 time, he had his own baby-

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- the 5 times harry had to surrogate for his friends and the 1 time, he had his own baby-

- 12; one more push -

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1. liam & maya

"one more baby, give us one more big push and you'll be done. i promise."

" i can't- i'm tired- lou"

"no, no, no baby. look at me, there you go- you got this. you are so strong haz. one more push okay? just one more"

harry tiredly nods his head before louis puts his arms around his shoulders and helps him lean forward for the final push.

harry puts his chin to chest as he pushes down as hard as his body will let him. finally releasing the baby into the world.

loud cries fill the room as harry falls into louis' arms; breathing heavily. louis quickly pecks his lips and whispered soft praises.

he looks to the side and watching liam and maya hold their newly born daughter, and smiles softly at the new parents before looking back at his husband.

" how do you feel? anything hurts?" louis asks looking very concerned.

harry shakes his head quickly; louis smiles at peck his forehead softly.

"i love you"

"i love you, next one will be ours to keep right?" harry softly asks softly.

harry was feeling quite empty and sadden that he doesn't get to keep the baby, he carried for nine months and just gave birth to.

"of course. of course, i promise."

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2. niall and his girlfriend

"will you be our surrogate? i know you just had liam's daughter a couple months ago but we don't want a complete stranger carrying our child" niall explains as he holds hands with his wife.

niall had asked them a couple weeks ago if they wanted to have a double dinner date and of course, harry and louis said yes; because they haven't really hung out and they wants to catch up with each other life's.

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