|| "do you even care, love?"

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- the one where harry gives birth at a bar -

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- the one where harry gives birth at a bar -

- 3; bar birth -

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harry and louis have been married for about 2 years now and they are expecting two twins girls. They were really overjoyed hearing that they were just having one new blessing to the family but two!

"harry please, this is going be the last time we are able to go to the bar without having to find a babysitter" louis begs his eight month pregnant husband.

louis has been wanting hangout with the boys before the babies came. he's been urging harry towards the idea for weeks now and harry is failing to give in.

harry refuses to go, even though he's far from the due date, he doesn't want risk it.

"louis, I have told you no probably a million times already. can you drop it" harry asks sternly to his husband.

harry is exhausted from the baby shopping, the nursery building, and just anything that he had to stand up from. he's been getting these weird pains all day, they weren't exactly painful but weren't comfortable.

"okay, how about we make a deal? if we go to the bar, we only can stay for two hours at least or whenever you feel like you need too and I promise I'll give you a full body massage" louis tries to offer.

harry ponders the idea for a moment, louis massages are the best massages, a person could ever get but does he really want to stand at a bar for two hours? no. but he couldn't turn down free back and feet massages.

"whatever, go change before I change my mind" harry tell him walking away, more like waddling away but he's just getting away.

louis quick yells a "I love you so much" and runs off to their room to pick out a outfit and get ready. harry simply rolls his eyes at his husband's excitement.

"I swear that bo—" harry begins before a shooting pain rushes through his stomach and the feeling of something or someone getting pushed down towards his pelvis starts big pressure.

harry bends over his huge stomach and starts to breathe heavily through the contractions. he lets out tiny groans before the pain and pressure comes to a end.

"what the-?" harry breathes out before sitting up, he knows that around this time, he's supposed to be getting fake contractions but he didn't think they would hurt like that. fuck.

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