|| "and who'll love me, if i'm not the top of my school"

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-college AU, the one where harry doesn't know he's pregnant and gives birth at school

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-college AU, the one where harry doesn't know he's pregnant and gives birth at school.-

- 38. i love you -

requested <3


"good morning baby, you're early" harry calls out when the dorm door creeks open, slipping a tan oversized sweatshirt over his damp brown curls.

golden sun rays dancing over harry's minimalist dorm room's decorations, louis attempted to convince harry to add more color to the naked room but his trendy boyfriend claims it's aesthetically pleasing.

"good morning gorgeous" louis softly smiles wrapping his arms around the back of his boyfriend, burying his lips into the side of harry's shoulder. looking at his stunning boyfriend's reflection as they stare into the large mirror that sits on harry's dresser.

harry beams at the sight of louis, squeezing louis' hands which lays on harry's slightly bloated uneasy stomach before spinning around on his heels to face his upperclassman boyfriend.

harry lets out a childlike giggle as louis proceeds to cover his rosy face with soft pecks. his eyebrows furrow tightly, gently pushing himself away from louis as a strange cramp uncomfortably floods his lower back. clenching his boyfriend's shoulders as he looks down with his eyes tightly pinched.

the cramp doesn't last longer than a couple of seconds, he lets out a breath of relief before snapping his head back up at his worrisome boyfriend whose been tapping on his back nonstop.

louis gazes at his boyfriend with a concerned expression painted all over his face, moves his hand to comb over his boyfriend's damp locks, staring as harry's relieved emerald eyes as the cramp passed.

"what's going on? what's wrong?" louis questions looking harry up and down for any obvious injuries that he missed when he walked in.

"just—just a cramp, it's fine—i'm fine" harry stumbled out letting go of louis's dark green hoodie which he was still clutching in his fingertips.

"that didn't look fine—that looked like you were seconds away from collapsing" louis retorted, harry couldn't argue with that, he felt like he thought he was going to bend over and die.

"hey—hey, i'm fine" harry whispers, interrupting himself to softly peck his boyfriend's stressed face, any reminders of the previous pain already faded.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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