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-the one where harry give birth in car and louis has to deliver his own children

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-the one where harry give birth in car and louis has to deliver his own children.-

- 2; car birth -

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"mm owww" harry winces as another contraction rushes through his body, he has been in labor for 11 hour already.

the contractions were still 10 minutes apart and to go to the hospital, they have to be at least 5 minutes apart.

"shhh baby, it's okay breath through it" louis coaches his husband. harry just lets out another groan and squeeze louis' hand to death.

"mmm lou." harry mumbles as the contractions stops and he gets to breath without pain.

"what's wrong haz" louis ask, he's been waiting for this day for a long time now and if it weren't for harry being in so much pain at the moment, he would be jumping of joy.

"how far apart was that one?" harry breaths, he's also been waiting for this day but now it's here, he just want her out of him as fast as possible.

"uhh 8 minutes" louis answer back, harry just groans in response, praying that it would come faster.

"when is she going come out of meeee" harry moans as a contractions start back up. he can literally feel the baby moving down into the birth canal but yet this labor is taking forever.

"soon hazza, soon" louis answers rubbing his sweaty back. he wishes he could take all the pain away but he can't.

"lou- mmm- can we start- uhhh- heading out pleaseeeee, I can feel her dropp-ing fasttt" harry says while moaning from the contraction.

"she's not 5 minutes apart yet, once she's about 6 minutes, I'll bring the bag downstairs and start the car okay?" louis tell him softly.

"no louis- I think my water is about— owww- to break- can we go now?" harry struggles as the contraction hits its peak.

"harry, 6 minutes at the latest" louis repeats, he just doesn't want to waste time driving to the hospital only to get sent back home because it's too early.

"lou please" harry starts tearing up, he just wants her out now.

Louis just shakes his head and goes back whispering his sweet nothings into his ear.

A few contractions later, just like Harry stated his water broke all over the couch. Louis looks at the water stain and jumps from the couch running to get the bag.

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