|| "if i could see your face once more-i could die a happy man, im sure"

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- the story of harry and louis making promises and falling into love-

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- the story of harry and louis making promises and falling into love-

- 28; old married couple-

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five years old & two years old

"ms.anne! ms.anne! can 'arry come out to play? promise to protect him! i swear" louis shouts holding up his pinky finger confidently as he runs up to anne's front door.

he tries his best to peek inside to get a glimpse of his best friend but nothing. giving up he looks back at anne whose dressed in a simple pink apron and a spring dress.

"i promise ms.anne!" louis shouts again holding up his tiny pinky even higher than before. anne smiles as she pulls louis' arm down to his side, crouching to his level.

"lou—lou, i know you will, but haz just went down for a nap, he can't go out to play right now" anne slightly laughs patting the young boy's tiny shoulders as they droop down sadly when anne tells him the news.

hmm, what should he do now?

he doesn't wanna play with the other boys on the block, they aren't as entertaining as harry. he wants harry.

louis' blue eyes slowly look to the ground as if the ground had the answers he needed. anne watches him quietly before he hops looking back at anne.

"some'ne needs to protect him in his dreams! let me cuddle him? 'lease?" louis smiles looking at anne bouncing on his heels of his feet. anne looks as if she thinking, her eyes wondering around as she thinks.

"promise" louis says in a smaller voice, moving to be in anne's eyesight, anne can't say no to him, she's a softy—don't blame her.

"okay, i'll call mummy and tell her you're over at mine. do you need me to walk you to haz?" anne says giving into the demand of the five year old, she stands taking louis' smaller hand, walking him into the place as she speaks.

he comically shakes his head, letting go of anne's hand before taking off to his best friend's room. he's been over harry's house a lot of times, he has the way to his room memorized.

and it also helps that harry's door has a sign in light blue letters spelling out "harry"

he makes his way to the door before slowing down his steps and creeking open the white door. he carefully enters, closing the door as quiet as possible behind him and tiptoes to the bed.

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