|| "please dont leave me"

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- i love you.-

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"i'm sick"

two words. six letters that changed louis's life forever. he will never understand how two simple word could so irrevocably change is life.

"sick?" louis manages to choke out as he stares at this pale but glowing husband who stood in front of him with sadden eyes.

"yeah" harry mutters before awkwardly clearing his throat. he throws around large gestures with his hands as he tries and struggles to grasp his train of thought.

"you know how i've been kinda sick lately? or-well just easily tired? not feeling up for it."

louis slowly nods, he noticed that harry has been kind slow lately but he just thought it was because of the tour. they never really get a break, always on their feet barely get any sleep.

he just assumed harry was just overworking himself again, he means harry isn't one to easily give up. everything had to perfected before a concert. he thought harry just caught some type of cold or something from the cold weather.

he didn't think anything was wrong.

"i was talking to paul about it, and he simply advised me to check with a doctor; you know, just in case. so i did and-um" harry's voice cracks as he speaks, he rubs his hand on his cheek before taking a deep breath and continuing.

"the doctor had noticed bruising—way to many bruises for someone like me. of course, i've seen them but—"

"bruises? you have bruises harry? why didn't you tell me or-r why didn't you say something?" louis shakes his head as he cuts him off. bruises?

harry slowly pulls up his oversized sweater's sleeve up revealing discolored bruises nearly covering his arm. how didn't he notice those?

"i didn't think anything of them, i mean they don't bother me and i just—"

"just tell me"


"what did the doctor tell you?"

" i have cancer"

cancer. the world froze as louis tries his best to process what was just said. how is this fair?

Larry Stylinson Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now