|| "predicting god as best he can-but oh god, i wanna feel again"

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- je te déteste -

"part two for || 'there's no medicine-but you know the cure'"

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drowning is easy.

maybe that's why so many people have died from it-in 2019, 236,000 people died from some type of drowning accident. unlike some horrible ways to pass to the next world, drowning is quick and effortless.

you struggle at the beginning. you try your absolute best to keep your head above water. desperately gasping for air as you kick your legs back and forth, back and forth. until the water becomes too high and no matter how many times your panicked thin legs kick. the water covers you.

depending on who you are, you either continue to kick your legs or you simply come to peace-you just stop trying.

and then you're gone.

without a sign of struggling, or even a noise.

the water pretends like you never were there.

and that's how it felt like to be in love with louis tomlinson.

you don't even know you're in love with him until you start to struggle. either it's struggling to get his attention on you or struggling to make him realize that the world isn't black and white.

as you realize he's pulling away, you attempted to be perfect-to be good enough. gasping for the love you once held in your heart so deeply. everything doesn't matter, you would do anything to keep him.

anything to stop struggling.

if you're lucky-he's yours forever.

if you're harry edward styles, no matter how many times you changed your plans and beliefs for him, you'll end up crying in the hallway. alone.

like drowning, the relationship ends silently and if it wasn't for the memories and the photos, it would've been like you never fell in love with louis tomlinson.

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