|| "one way or another"

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-the one where harry has an asthma attack after a performance & louis has to help him

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-the one where harry has an asthma attack after a performance & louis has to help him.-

- 5; can't breathe -

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"one direction is on in five minutes, get to your places and fix up only if needed!" one of the workers yell into the boys dressing room.

"five minutes" liam yelled at the boys, just to make sure everyone was prepared and ready for their performance.

louis and harry nod and slowly rise from the couch they were cuddling on. they have been a couple for 2 years now but management makes sure they keep it on the downlow.

harry and louis weren't really bothered by management's decision because they weren't ready to be public just yet. they are enjoying the puppy love phase and doesn't want anyone to take away from them.

"lovebirds! hurry your asses up will ya?" niall yells from the doorway and walks off to catch up with the other boys.

louis rolls his eyes before grabbing harrys hand and starts to walk out of the room with harry. harry just grabs louis arm and lays his head on louis' shoulder as they walk.

"hey, you okay angel?" louis questioning harry's actions, don't get him wrong harry is a very cuddly boyfriend but not right before a performance, he's usual skipping down the halls singing their songs.

"i have a bad gut feeling about this" harry quietly tell his boyfriend, he just can't seem to shake this feeling that something is about to happen.

"it's just your nerves acting up again, you are going be amazing harry" louis happily comforts harry as they enter the underneath of the stage.

at this point of the stage, you can clearly heard the music and the screams of fans coming from outside. crew are running making sure everything is working correctly.

" i don't know lou..." harry trails off, he gets off louis and louis give him a quick peck before getting to his platform that's going lift him up onto stage.

harry just shakes his hands quick and takes a deep breath and quickly grabs his microphone. he gets onto his platform and slowly starts getting lifted onto the stage.

"overloading overloading..." the computer voice glitches as the boys pop up onto the bright stage.

harry takes a quick look around at the audience and the stage before getting blinded by the spotlight and hears the start of the song.

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