|| "put a price on emotion, i'm looking for something to buy"

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-the one where harry doesn't know he's pregnant and he gives birth to twins-

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-the one where harry doesn't know he's pregnant and he gives birth to twins-

- 18; pain. just pain. -

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" i don't know, lou. it just hurts." harry groans over the toilet once again. he tightly holds his bloated stomach as another sharp pain floods through his veins again. "fuck" harry cries out.

he's been in pain since yesterday morning, but nothing is helping. he's taken medicine, used an heating pad to try and calm his stomach but nothing. helps.

"i'm dying. i swear i'm dy- dying" harry sobs into his arms as he feels his boyfriend starting to rub his back. "you aren't dying, princess. just sick" louis yawns into his free hand.

the couple have been up all night- well harry has been up all night. louis only woke up when he heard harry gagging and throwing up his dinner into the toilet.

" i am lou- fuck fuck fuckk- babe it hurts so bad. please help me" harry moans as even more tears make their way down his rosy cheeks. he's so tired. he's been either puking out his guts or crying on the bathroom floor, none of this was fun. he never gets a break.

"oh babe- i'm sure it's just the stomach flu. let me get you some water." louis says as he stops rubbing harry's sweaty back and ties his hair back out of his face and makes his way out of the bathroom- leaving harry alone and in pain.

"oh fuck- please god, make it stop" harry groans as he feels his stomach churn harshly and sending him gagging into the toilet once again. when will this stop?

more pain floods through his stomach and his lower back. this gotta be the worst pain he has ever felt. harry slowly stops gagging into the toilet as his stomach tries to settle.

"ughh" harry moans as he moves his head into the fold of his elbow. he arches his back as he strangely feels something in him move down; adding pressure to his pelvis.

"what the-" harry questions in pain but gets cut off by louis entering the bathroom once again- this time holding a glass of ice water and two pillows and blankets under his armpit.

"we've been in here all night- so i thought we might as well get comfortable" louis tiredly smiles at his ill boyfriend who looks half dead from throwing up.

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