|| "i had a few, got drunk on you and now im wasted"

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-the one where harry goes into labor at home while the boys are still on tour

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-the one where harry goes into labor at home while the boys are still on tour.-

- 7; facetime -

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"but i miss you guys" harry whines through the phone that's getting held by his shoulder while he cuts up some watermelon.

"i know, i know. we miss you so much and wish that you could be here with us but we couldn't risk you going into labor on tour babe" liam comforts.

harry has been missing his boyfriend like crazy for the past couple of weeks. he's always overjoyed when they have time to facetime or call but because of their tour, the boys are packed with interviews, meet and greets and concerts. so they barely have time to call or even text harry.

harry has been very understanding of it, what do you expect when you dating the boys of a popular boy band?

but he knows it sound very selfish but some days, he wished that they weren't a popular boy band and just normal boys that have freedom and privacy to do whatever they want.

he wants to be able to cuddle up with louis on the couch when the babies are kicking up a storm. he want to hear niall's hilarious jokes and stories and wants to have zayn crouch next to his stomach and try to talk to their kids. he wants liam's AMAZING cooking and hugs. he just wants his boyfriends to himself for once but that will never be possible.

he has to deal with everything on his own instead of having his boyfriends there to comfort his every need.

"babe. the tour is basically over. we have our last concert tonight and then we'll all yours" zayn's voice rings through the phone.

harry softly smiles at that; he takes his cut up watermelon and goes back into the living room and sits on their white couch.

"i know, it's just want you here. with me and our babies! it's not fair." harry complains while chewing a piece of watermelon.

"we'll be home very soon. just 21 hours, 30 minutes and about 43 seconds to go and then we'll be cuddle up right next you haz" zayn states. harry giggles how he said the time but nods and turns his head a bit.

"okay. can't wait to see you guys again. just 21 hours huh? that's still a long time but i've waited 5 months, i could wait a few more hours." harry mumbles looking down at his fingers.

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