|| "i'm right here baby."

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-the one where harry is sick on christmas eve and christmas but too stubborn to admit it-

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-the one where harry is sick on christmas eve and christmas but too stubborn to admit it-

- 19; burning up. -

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"fuck." harry painfully groans as he shoves his head into the pillow underneath him, making his husband squirm in his sleep but doesn't awake up; just pulls harry's hips back closer to him. harry feels louis' warmth behind him and the weighted blanket softly shielding his body from the cold winter air. yet, he still shivering as if he's about to freeze to death.

"babyy" he hears louis softly moan from behind him. harry mentally curses in his head, he was supposed to get up before the sun even rose and make a birthday breakfast in bed for his sweet husband. he always makes breakfast in bed for louis' birthday, he's never missed a year—now he has.

he wants to cry at the thought of dragging his heavy body out of bed but he needs to make breakfast. he whines softly as he slowly turns his body, pulls his head out of the pillow and rolls out of bed; he puts the pillow in his spot to mimic his body in louis' arms.

he sits on the edge of the bed, hanging his head low on his chest. he needs to stand up and get on with the day, but— he's so exhausted.

he mentally wills himself to get up, harry painfully winces at the sunlight which is now shining through the windows. he holds onto the walls as he lifts his heavy body out of bed. his head spinning as he makes it onto his jelly feeling legs.

he slowly makes his way out of the room into the bathroom to make himself look somewhat presentable.

as he stands in front of mirror, he realizes how dead he looks. his usually glowing skin covered by a soft layer of sweat; his cheeks and nose now colored a deep red. his eyes sunken, his skin now sallow...everything aches.

he takes a look back at where his soft...soft bed laid with his husband whose still in a deep sleep. the pillows and blankets mock him as he has to continue with his day. he lets out a quiet groan as he begins to get ready for the day.

he washes his face off, trying to make himself look somewhat alive. he looks over at the shower...later. right now, he just wants to get this day over with, so he could lay back in his bed.

he quickly ties his hair into a messy bun as he exits the bathroom...rather slowly. it feels like there are weights tied to all of his weak limbs as he makes his way down the hall.

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