|| " cause i loved you, i swear i loved you-til my dying day"

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-the one where harry has to leave for "love on tour" and the lovers have a hard time saying goodbye

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-the one where harry has to leave for "love on tour" and the lovers have a hard time saying goodbye.-

- 32. just not home.-


if i asked you to stay—

"hey, what are you doing?" harry heard as he whispered-sings the next lyric on his setlist. harry sets down the sheet of papers, lowering his head.

attempting to shake away his exhaustion and anxiety before looking over his shoulder to locate his boyfriend, louis, who was on the door frame with his arms crossed. his brows were furrowed, eyes expectant and thin lips tugged back. harry knows he's in trouble.

"sorry—did i wake you?" harry lightly speaks as he strolls towards the seemingly grumpy man, looking down on the floor as he makes his way.

"i just couldn't sleep." harry continues shrugging his oversized hoodie shoulders, mentally hoping that his boyfriend isn't too upset with him.

louis sighs, watching his boyfriend drag his feet. he wasn't sleeping, he couldn't fall asleep on such a night. when harry was in front of him, louis takes the AirPods that were still in his boyfriend's ears and set them on the chair that sat next to the doorway. he opens his arms, "get in here."

harry doesn't even take a second to think about it, he hugs his boyfriend the instant louis opens his arms.

"you okay? having any second thoughts?"

please have second thoughts.

harry doesn't respond, just snuggling his face into the crook of louis' neck even further. If only that was possible. he huffs into cold skin, intertwining his fingers behind louis' back.

louis inhales sharply, "hey?", he only feels harry's hug tighten around him. a frown finds its way around louis' lips, he hated seeing harry like this. quiet, unexpressive.

he wasn't used to this kind of harry, silent and unvocal. he hated seeing harry like this. it
made worry bloom and settle into his heart, chest getting heavier with each second that passed. The uneasiness, the uncertainty, and the loud desire that settled in, the desire of asking harry to stay,

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