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I stalk down the corridor angrily, pushing my way through the moving bodies of whoever gets in my way. My blood is boiling, the necklace grasped so tightly in my hand the pendant is embedded into the warm skin of my palm. My eyes scan the crowded hallways quickly, searching for any sign of the platinum blonde haired boy.

It makes me absolutely furious that he decided to showcase his money by leaving such a lavish gift. I know he spent a decent amount of money on the necklace, Draco Malfoy never settles for anything less than expensive. I hate when people spend money on me, it makes me feel so guilty and disgusting and like I'm incapable of providing for myself. That's how I was brought up, never taking from or expecting people to spend abundance amounts of money on you but you spend selflessly for them.

And there's a difference between spending selflessly on someone out of the kindness of your heart while not expecting anything in return, and doing it solely to prove a point. We all know Draco Malfoy would never put someone else's best interest at heart when spending money on them. No, Draco likes to remind people of the wealthy family he comes from, he likes to make it known he can afford riches and splurge on things that most others can only dream about having.

And that's what's infuriating to me, the fact that Draco Malfoy was now trying to prove a point to me. If the gift was to capture my attention then he most certainly has it, but not in the way he probably was expecting. If he honestly thought the expensive piece was going to make everything okay and make me care for him he couldn't have been more wrong. Instead it makes me dislike him even more, it makes me want absolutely nothing to do with him ever.

I turn the corner of the hallway the library is on, stopping for a moment and standing on my tiptoes to get a better view of the bodies littering the long corridor. My breath comes out in heavy puffs, my eyes narrowing when they finally catch sight of the boy I'm looking for.

"Malfoy!" I shout angrily, my voice echoing down the corridor in his direction. I start storming my way towards him, my pace quickening with rage.

His back is to me, Blaise and Pansy standing in front of him while they engage in a conversation. They're all smiling at something, Draco's head tilting back slightly as his laugh bounces across the busy corridor. Pansy looks past Draco's right shoulder, her jaw dropping and eyes widening when she catches sight of me angrily making my way towards Draco.

"Whoa" Blaise lightly mutters as I draw closer, both Blaise and Pansy taking a small step back from Draco timidly. He spins on his heel quickly, his face dropping when he sees me hastily advancing towards him.

"What the actual fuck Malfoy!" I shout at him, my hands forcefully colliding into his chest. I shove at him with all my strength, my heart racing extremely fast with the amount of adrenaline coursing through my veins.

The clasped necklace is now hanging from my arm, swaying furiously back and forth from the amount of force I used to shove at Draco. He stumbles back in a daze, his brows furrowing in confusion as he tries to process my sudden aggressive behavior towards him.

"What now?" He asks harshly, his eyes turning dark as he glares down at me. He crosses his arms over his chest, his teeth grinding as he eyes me up and down nastily.

"What now? What the hell is this?!" I yell at him, holding my arm up. The necklace sways back and forth, his eyes landing on the shiny pendant. He clenches his jaw in anger, his eyes narrowing when he recognizes the gift carelessly hanging from my wrist.

"I believe it's a necklace" He smirks cockily, raising his brows as he peers condescendingly down at me.

"Ugh!" I huff in annoyance at his increased arrogance, my arms extending out in front of me to shove harshly at his chest again.

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