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Annahs Pov

A lot has changed over the last three months, and being back at Hogwarts just doesn't feel like home anymore. It feels far from it to be completely honest. There's been an unmistakable darkness hanging over the castle since Dumbledore's sudden death, an event so monumental it has led to many unwanted changes in the school.

Snape has taken over as headmaster, and the most vile and sadistic professor to have ever existed at Hogwarts has taken over the Defense Against the Dark Arts post. Whom? Well no other than Amycus Carrow of course. He's believed to be a Death Eater, and he loves to torture his students by having them do unthinkable things to each other in the wake of detentions. Just when I thought my life with professors couldn't get any worse than Snape or Umbridge at school, well....

 Before we left school last year, Harry and Dumbledore had left in order to find Merlope's locket, which happened to be one of Voldemort's horcrucxes. When they had successfully destroyed the locket, it's brought Voldemort one step closer to becoming mortal. I was home with Daniel at the time, unaware of what was going on back at school.

I wasn't talking to my friends, and my friends weren't talking to me. They thought it was best for my safety to keep me completely out of the loop given everything that happened with Daniel I had later found out. Plus, they wouldn't have been able to tell me much through the Owl post anyways, not with everything going on and easy interception of letters.

When I had returned back to Hogwarts, Hermione and Ginny made sure to fill me in with every last detail of what had happened anyways, so I guess I can't blame them. They had good reason to withhold contact, while I had just been ignoring them for selfish reasons.

Harry was not returning to school this year, as he made it his mission to continue the hunt to find and destroy the remaining six horcruxes. Ron and Hermione have vowed to join him, and now my three best friends are on the run and have gone into hiding.

I had offered to go with them, but the three had profusely insisted that Luna, Ginny, Neville and I stay behind the confinements of the school in order to be their contacts. Besides, Harry and Ginny have begun seeing each other, and I promised Harry I would watch after her and keep his great love safe.

Draco and I are no longer together (I know, such a shock). We havn't spoken since the night Dumbledore had died. Although no official information has been released about the culprit responsible for his death, rumors were flying around the school's walls about Draco's participation in the events that took place.

I know Draco, and I know he's not capable of killing someone. But then again maybe I don't know Draco as well as I thought I did.


Ginny and I have been close again, its almost as if no time has passed between us and you would never know there was a period of time where there was mistrust or barely a friendship between us. I'm extremely grateful for her, for everything she has done for me, especially now with helping me get through the painful breakup with Draco.

Ginny is the smart and annoying little sister that I've always wanted but never had the pleasure of having when I was younger. She's so strong and full of so much wisdom for her age, its something I've always admired about her. Out of all the Weasley's, she's the fighter. She's got a fire in her heart when it comes to the people she loves, and she would stop at nothing if it meant saving someone. She's a badass.

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