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It took some time, but my friends have finally started to warm up to me again. Luna and Ron were the first ones to welcome me back with open arms, and it took Harry and Hermione a little bit longer to open up to the idea of trusting me fully.

Ginny is still wary, always cautious and skeptical as to what she says around me like she's walking on her tiptoes out of fear that I'm going to turn on them at any given second. But she's slowly beginning to loosen up around me again. She can tell I'm just trying the best I can to get things to go back to the way they were regarding our friendships before the mess that is Draco Malfoy came about.

I'm not entirely sure if my friends had missed me or if they've just taken pity on me for the breakup with Malfoy. Despite snickers and mockery that surround me in corridors also comes empathetic looks and ones of sadness. Classmates and professors alike all stare with concern as if I'm broken and on the verge of shattering into a million pieces for everyone to witness.

Quite honestly it makes me angry when lessons are spent trying to dodge meaningless sad smiles of classmates as opposed to paying full attention to lectures. I find it more irritating rather than comforting when anyone acts as if they know what I'm feeling. It's more damaging than the breakup itself or the way my heart aches and longs for the platinum blonde haired, grey-eyed boy altogether.

With a little passing time and by keeping myself busy with coursework, things are starting to feel like they are going to be okay again eventually. Traces of my old self shine through every once and a while despite feeling like I'm constantly drowning with heartbreak and hurt being separated from Draco.

Hogwarts is beginning to feel more like home again with the help of my friends surrounding me with their presence. Although we're still not on the greatest of terms I don't feel so alone anymore, instead there's a newfound hope in my heart, a small flicker of light, that was never there previously.

However, taking N.E.W.T level potions remains as one of the biggest mistakes of my life. The complexity of the potions Slughorn is teaching continues to increase intensely with each passing day. Hermione and I have been struggling to stay on top of all assignments, both of us trying desperately to not fall any farther behind in the class.

"Today we are going to talk about the Draught of Living Death. Can anyone tell me-" Slughorn begins before turning to the back of the class when the door suddenly opens. "Ah Mr. Malfoy, how lovely for you to join us" a hint of sarcasm edges into his tone.

Draco's top lip curls into a nasty snarl as everyone glances toward the disruption of the lecture Slughorn had called him out on. My body flinches instinctively, a breathy gasp escaping my lips when Draco pulls the door shut more forcefully than necessary in response.

"As I was saying, who can tell us-"

My eyes involuntarily watch Draco make his way across the room to his seat. To my horror the only empty seat is directly across from me. I drop my gaze quickly, my quill scratching at the parchment anxiously to avoid his eyes.

Unsurprisingly enough, Hermione's arm bumps into my side as her hand shoots quickly into the air. I glance up through my top lashes in time to see Draco roll his eyes from where he's slumped lazily in his seat. My heart plummets dangerously to my stomach when his cold eyes stop on me, the air rushing from my lungs when his lip curls in a snarl.

"Yes, Miss Granger?" Slughorn announces excitedly.

"Professor, Draught of Living Death is a powerful sleeping draught. The drinker will fall into a slumber so deep and still it's almost as if they're on the brink of death itself."

"Ah, very good. Draught of Living Death-"

Slughorn's uneven voice fades out as he begins lecturing us about the Draught. He gives a brief lesson explaining the properties of the Draught; covering the basics on who discovered it, their reasoning for creating it, the ingredients used, and and of course the meticulous brewing process involved.

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