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Daniel has pretty much fully recovered from the attack, and I am extremely grateful that he was lucky enough to walk away with the injuries he had. Yes they were bad, but they could have been much worse- he could have not walked out at all.

And to even think that my brother might not have made it this far, well that's something I don't like to think about. Because if I had lost him, I would have lost literally everything, and who knows where I, myself would have ended up. It wouldn't have been very good, that's for sure.

As for my own health at the moment, well mentally we are beginning to go to shit, to be blunt. Staying on top of coursework in order to not fall behind while taking full care of Danny has been stressful.

And throw everything with Draco Malfoy into the mix, well I'm sure you can only imagine how that's been going. He's disappeared, and once again it feels like a piece of me has gone numb and vanished as well.

I haven't heard from my friends hardly either, I have no idea what's been going on inside their world and they have no idea what's been going on in mine either. There was a time I never thought we would ever make it to this place, but I guess there's always a time for things to change.

As much as I dream about returning to Hogwarts, I just don't see how that could be possible at the moment. Danny needs me, and I need him. And I'm just not sure that he's ready to be on his own just yet.


It's a rainy Saturday, the kind of heavy, chilly rain that makes you mope around and want to be cozy in bed all day with a hot tea. By the time I force myself to get out of bed, it's well into the afternoon. With a sigh and dragging my feet down the hallway, I slowly make my way down the cold stairs.

I can hear Danny puttering around in the kitchen, cupboards and drawers opening and closing softly as if he's looking for something but keeps coming up short. I sigh lightly to myself, taking a left at the bottom of the cool porcelain stairs into the vast living room.

My bare feet pad their way across the large room to the enormous windows in the back that overlook the lake at the end of the property. I carefully climb up on the large edge of the sill, pulling my knees tightly into my chest as I watch the rain pouring down.

Flashbacks of the Christmas party replay themselves before me, conversations Draco and I had while sitting on the docks all come flooding back. That was the night I realized just how much I had begun to fall for him. The genuine smile on his face, the way his eyes lit up just as brightly as the moon and stars enveloping us. The way he had just barely cracked himself open to me, letting the light in ever so slightly.

I pull my knees tighter into my chest as I start to wonder about where he is now in this very second and what he could be doing. Why did he stop coming to see me? Has something terrible happened to him? And the list goes on and on with all the questions I have.

I rest my chin on my knees, my eyes transfixed on the water droplets rolling down the other side of the glass pane. My brain feels just as foggy and glossed over as the unsettling weather beats against the only thing separating me from Mother Nature. Although I see the lines of droplets on the glass, I'm not actually seeing it- I'm lost in the memories of Draco's handsome face playing over again and again.

I shake my head lightly to myself, squeezing my eyes closed as I try to push the troubling thoughts of Draco out of my head. I just need to take a breath and really think things over. I'm so lost in my own head I barely notice the new presence close in proximity.

"Hey" Danny whispers softly, pulling me the rest of the way out of my thoughts. He smiles lightly, holding out a steaming mug of tea. I smile at him sadly, taking the mug from him. My hands wrap slowly around the thick curve of the mug and handle, my eyes flickering down at the steam swirling off the hot liquid. I just stare at it, partially because I don't have the courage to look Daniel in the eye when I feel like I'm on the verge of breaking.

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