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Draco's POV

Love. What a stupid four letter word. A simple string of useless syllables that makes you want to wretch as soon as it rolls off your tongue. A subject so full of complexities that its not even worth pursuing. It's for the naive; for the weak. All it ever does is leave you broken and vulnerable in its wake.

Love makes you foolish, it makes you throw away any trace of logic left in your brain and instead makes you do incredibly stupid things without thinking. It can make you selfish and greedy, and you can forget about playing things safe, that'll no longer exist. Consequently, love gets you screaming at danger in the face; staring death right in the eye.

And yet for some ungodly reason it's all anyone ever talks about. So many strive to find some form of it in their entire existence. Why. What's the appeal. Aren't there more important matters for people to worry about other then this stupid love thing.

That's why Draco Malfoy never falls in love, I don't have the time nor patience to play these obnoxiously silly games. Because for anyone that has truly fallen in love knows just how horrible it actually is.

It rips your chest open and exposes your delicate beating heart. It means that your handing yourself completely over to someone, giving up total control and trusting that given the power they won't get inside you and mess you up.

Me, powerless? Hah you can keep dreaming. You'd have to kill me first before I ever let go of my control. Malfoy's never give up power, we keep a tight grasp on being in control and we are sure to make that known. It's one of the perks that comes with being a part of the pristine and privileged society Malfoy's live in.

So instead I take what I want from a girl and send her on her merry way, not bothering to reach out to her again. Keeping someone around any longer than necessary is just asking for all sorts of complicated and trouble. And I do not have time for complicated.

I didn't want to fall in love or need someone. I was perfectly happy with my system of luring girls into bed then cutting them off. It was a game, and a game that I was very good at playing. It didn't take much to have a girl drop to her knees and beg, left completely at my mercy. It was thrilling.

I really didn't want anything more than what I had. Getting what I wanted while not being tied down to anyone or anything seemed like a good plan to me. No commitments, no complications, no messes. It was everything I wanted and more. It was working, and I was like the King of Hogwarts.

That was until she appeared. And before I even had the chance to comprehend the situation, I started wanting everything encompassed with the L word without even realizing it. She gracefully waltzed in and turned my whole world upside down, and not in an entirely bad way either.

You see when you really think about it, love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it some kind of a meaning. Then suddenly everything changes, you're seeing things from a whole new perspective whether you want to or not.

Somehow, someway Willy became that person. I don't know how it happened, when she weaseled her way into my life exactly, but she did. And somehow she got my cold and dead heart to beat irratically back to life with just one glance. Gave my stomach some kind of strange floating  and nauseating feeling all because of a smile.

Annah Williams, the girl every single guy at this god forsaken place was after. Annah Williams, the girl that was emotionally unavailable and was apparently too good for every twit of a guy at this school. And Annah Williams, the only girl I so badly wanted but could never have.

Maybe it was the thrill of the cat and mouse chase; knowing I couldn't have her for more than one reason only made it all the more exciting. For one we were forbidden, only meant to be sworn enemies for eternity thanks to our parents' pasts.

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