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Two Days Later

Ever since the rise of Dolores Umbridge and the Inquisitorial Squad, Harry has been finding himself in a lot more trouble than ever before. A few hours before Harry had to call off the DA meeting to speak with Dumbledore, he had gotten caught while leaving the Room of Requirement by Draco little to my knowledge.

Harry had nabbed an extra Boggart from the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom for what was supposed to be the day's lesson of Patronuses, and as soon as Umbridge found out about the missing artifact she had called upon her search dogs to sniff out the castle and retrieve it.

The Inquisitorial Squad was unsurprisingly created by the dreadful woman in pink as a way for her to "protect" and stand by her educational decrees to make her self look good in front of the Ministry. Of course Draco Malfoy is the Squad's lead member, the first thing Umbridge did as the schools high Inquisitor was appoint Draco as the lead member.  And of course following Draco is Vincent Crabbe, Greggory Goyle, Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bulstrode and Graham Monteque as members of the Squad.

Umbridge has always had a rising suspicion about the DA, and she has been trying desperately to figure out its members, whereabouts and how to shut down our secret and very much illegal organization. Figuring us out was her way of trying to secure Dumbledore's spot as headmaster, which is the main reason she created the Inquisitorial Squad and its members.

Sure enough when Harry got caught leaving the Room of Requirement by Malfoy, it all came down to somehow bite me. After all, who else was there to blame but Draco's girlfriend for the unfortunate capture of Harry.


"C'mon banana, you know I had to do it" Draco's grey eyes watch me intensely from where he's perched easily on one of the stone walls of the courtyard.

He sighs in annoyance, his arm draped lazily over his knee thats propped up by his chest while his other long leg hangs down the length of the wall. I pace back and forth anxiously in front of him, arms crossed tightly against my chest.

"No, you didn't!" I shout angrily over my shoulder to him, rolling my eyes as I continue pacing. "You didn't have to do anything!"

"Annah, I was going-" he starts before I cut him off.

"How could you? I mean-"

"Williams-" he begins to warn, huffing at his growing impatience as I cut him off again.

"I can't believe you! Honestly-"

"Annah." he says harshly through gritted teeth, grinding his jaw with increasing anger. He pushes himself off the stone wall easily, his light footsteps padding on the grass as he begins to make his way towards me but I ignore him. I roll my eyes before turning on my heel, taking a few steps forward with my back now facing him.

"I mean seriously Draco! What the fu-" I fling my arms animatedly in the air, huffing in annoyance to the less than favorable situation he put me in. A surprised squeal escapes my lips at feeling Draco's dark presence suddenly come up behind me, my hands never making it back down to my sides.

Draco's hand grasps the inside of my bicep roughly, forcing me to spin around and face him. He takes hold of my shoulders and shoves me so I stumble backwards into the hard wall of the school, quickly taking hold of both my wrists and pinning them tightly to the structure above my head. His body presses forcefully into mine, his breath coming out in hot angry puffs against my face.

I gasp quietly for breath, my heart beginning to pound against my chest at his rough actions. His eyes are dark underneath loose strands of platinum blonde hair, the muscles in his shoulders and forearms taught with the amount of force he's using to keep me pinned in place.

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