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Draco stirs lightly, his arm tightening around my waist as he drags my body closer into his. Warm breath and ends of blonde hair softly tickle at my skin as he nuzzles his face farther into the crook of my neck. My eyes flutter open, and blinking heavily I glance slowly around the room as my senses begin coming to. Slowly but surely memories of the nights events begin flooding back, bits and pieces flashing before my eyes while my brain struggles to make sense of all the fragments. 

I take in the mess of all the blood soaked cotton pads shrewn to the floor, my heart beginning to pound nervously against my throat when I notice his red stained shirt slung on the back of the chair across the room. It all feels so surreal, like it was all just a bad dream my body is attempting to wake up from.

Draco lightly murmurs in his sleep which brings my attention back to him. His chest rises and falls calmly as his breath puffs gently into my crook. My fingertips absentmindedly brush loose ends of platinum blonde hair out of his eyes and face before my lips plant a gentle kiss to his forehead.

Draco pulls me impossibly closer into his body when I shift from beneath him. Once he settles down and his breathing slows to steady puffs once more, I slowly and quietly begin maneuvering my way from his tight hold. Once I sneak my leg from under his and our bodies are finally untangled, I'm able to slip the rest of the way from his hold easily. I carefully pull the duvet up and around the bare skin of his shoulders, being extra careful not to wake him up since he needs the rest. Especially after all he's been through.

He flops over to the spot I had occupied, wrapping a muscular forearm tightly around the pillow before burying his face into it. His breathing steadies out, soft snores becoming muffled from his face being covered in the fabric. I quickly dart into the bathroom to get changed before making my way over to the bedroom door, my hand hesitating over the knob. I glance back over my shoulder and smile at the cute sleeping boy burrowed in my bed. My heart begins to pound stupidly in my chest at the sight of the boy I love sprawled out and sleeping peacefully.

I slowly make my way downstairs, carefully avoiding the steps that squeak as I head toward the kitchen. Draco is going to be hungry when he wakes up more surely and what's more perfect than breakfast in bed. 

I rummage around looking for food, grabbing orange juice, croissants, muffins, apples, and anything else I can fit in my arms to bring back upstairs. Danny isn't awake yet and I make sure to leave no traces of my presence in the kitchen for him to become suspicious over.

Skipping nearly two steps at a time I quickly make my way back upstairs to the boy I left sleeping in my bed. Struggling with full arms I somehow manage to sneak back inside the room and slip the door closed softly behind me all while having managed not dropping anything along the way.

I gasp lightly upon turning, my heart nearly stopping for a moment when my eyes collide with Draco's  wide grey ones. I wasn't expecting him to be awake so early. He takes notice of this reaction, carefully sitting up while curious eyes remained locked to mine. 

"Where were you Williams?" he questions suspiciously, raising a delicate blonde brow while waiting for an answer. I nearly do a double take while walking slowly over to him, trying to process what is sure to be some kind of interrogation. 

"I uh..." I begin but seem to stammer over the words when he stares at me. He raises another brow, a slight smirk beginning to pull on his lips at the fact he still has the ability to leave me speechless. I shake my head lightly to myself in attempts to clear my now fuzzy head. "Well I thought you might be hungry" I clear my throat, raising a brow when Draco processes the statement.

"You thought I might be hungry. Hmm" he lightly mumbles, raising an inquisitive brow with a small smirk forming on his lips. I huff lightly in annoyance to his increasing cockiness. Yup, still the same Draco Malfoy I remember. 

Light In the Dark | D.MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now