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"C'mon Annie, are you sure you want to be with him and not me? It's not too late for you to change your mind and play with the big boys." Fred flashes me a cheeky smirk, raising his brow cockily as he takes a small step forward.

"What do you see in him anyway? It's Malfoy for Christ's sake, didn't you just hate him like last week?" George questions, furrowing a brow while crossing his arms against his chest.

"Oh boy here we go again." I mumble under my breath, sighing lightly in defeat. I cross my arms against my chest, uncomfortably shifting my weight to my right hip. "Look, you both are great guys seriously. And yes I did, but that was before I got to know him. He's not that bad you know."

"Ugh" The twins groan at the same time, glancing to each other as they clutch their middles and pretend to wretch. I sigh, raising an unamused brow in their direction.

"Look Annie, he's not goo-" George begins seriously but I shake my head slowly, cutting him off.

"Please don't start-"

"Oh for fuck's sake can we not talk about that twit? We get it, he's different blah blah blah. No-one cares about your stupid boyfriend Annah!" Ron snaps at me, rolling his eyes as he stops to stand next to Fred. My jaw drops slightly at the harshness in his tone, my eyes desperately searching his angry ones. I draw in a sharp breath of air, wincing as a stabbing pain courses through my lungs from Ron's angry words. This is the first time we've really spoken in nearly two weeks, Ron's still furious with me.

My friends have been distant towards me, they're not exactly thrilled at my decision of pursuing a relationship with Draco. They're afraid I'm going to slip up and let him get too close to Harry and the D.A., even though I've been extremely careful around him and always being sure to cover my tracks so Draco doesn't become suspicious. And I get where they're coming from, because I too hated Draco Malfoy with my entire being at one time.

No matter how hard I try to make amends and get them to trust me again it just feels like a dead end. I would never let Draco get close to the people I love if it meant putting them in any kind of danger, I just wish they would give Draco a chance to prove them wrong. But they'll never trust me fully so long as Draco is in my life, they've made that much crystal clear. I'm at a crossroads, my heart is being pulled in two different directions and I don't know which way to turn.

"You don't have to be so crude about it you know." My voice trails off by the end of the statement, crackling slightly with hurt from the sting of Ron's words.

Ron's lip curls up out of mockery, his eyes narrowing at me like I'm his most hated enemy as opposed to a friend. I break the intense eye contact between us, dropping my gaze to the floor while chewing my bottom lip out of anxiousness.

"Something wicked this way comes." George mumbles under his breath, my head snapping up in his direction.

Before I have time to react to the unnecessary comment, I startle lightly at feeling an unexpected arm snake loosely around my waist. Draco's platinum blonde hair comes into my peripheral vision on the right, a wave of nausea twisting through my stomach at the situation about to unfold in front of me.

The tension brewing between the four boys is so thick it could be cut with a knife, and my heart feels as though its going to give out from pounding so hard. Draco's arm stiffens around me suddenly, a sure sign that the worst is yet to come between the boys.

"A Weasel family reunion, how charming" Draco says harshly, rolling his eyes at the three redheaded boys in front of us.

"What do you want Malfoy?" Ron snaps, his jaw clenching at his increasing temper. His breathing comes out in heavy puffs, his eyes narrowing in disgust as Draco pulls me a little closer into him.

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