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Draco's POV

Five months. It's been five months since I've last seen or heard from Williams. It's been five months since I've last felt anything besides this numbness.

Day after miserable day is spent the same; trying to find energy to get out of bed and drag my feet to lessons although my mind is elsewhere other than coursework. Sitting alone for lunch, aimlessly pushing food around the mostly empty plate because my appetites gone. Then lagging through the second half of lessons, counting down the long seconds for the day to be over.

Dinner has been skipped most nights, instead finding myself sitting in the cold and abandoned common room or perched on the window ledge next to the four poster. What's the use of sitting at an overcrowded table when you want to be left alone and haven't felt a damn thing for months.

I always feel tired but never get enough sleep. It's like if I close my eyes all I see is her, but if I stare at the dark ceiling she invades my thoughts. It's a lose-lose situation.

Between no sleep, not eating, and the things I did and didn't say to Williams burned into my brain it's a wonder I haven't gone belligerent yet. With every passing moment I feel myself slipping away and becoming closer and closer to insanity. It's just a matter of time now before something in my brain snaps.

So why today would be any different then getting out of bed, struggling through lessons, skipping meals and staring at the ceiling in the dark is beyond me. It's a vicious cycle, a song stuck on repeat and that's not going to change any time soon.


"You have to eat something Draco" Pansy sighs as she lightly nudges me in the side. I ignore her, instead keeping my glazed over eyes to the unappetizing stew pot. "Earth to Draco... Hey!" She shoves at my shoulder this time.

"What?" I snap moodily as she breaks me out of the trance. I glare over at her.

"Did you hear me? You need to eat something."

"Not hungry."

"I don't care, you have to eat." She stares at me unamused. "When was the last time you actually ate properly?"

"Why does it matter?" I snap, breaking the intense eye contact and glancing back to the table.

"Because it's only a matter of time before your system starts shutting dow-" Pansy's voice begins to sound more distant as I slip back into my head.

"Are you even listening to me?" She snaps her fingers impatiently in front of my face. Her eyes begin to narrow when I glance back to her through the corner of my eye. When I don't respond she rolls her eyes and huffs. "Where do you keep going?"

"What are you going on about?"

"You keep... disappearing in your head somewhere or something. Where is it you keep going?" I ignore the question. "Your mind is with her isn't it?" She presses with growing annoyance.

I break my eyes from Pansy's narrowed ones, earning another hasty huff from her direction. Again my mind begins to wander to Williams. What is she doing at this very moment, how is Daniel, is she coming back soon and most importantly where is she and is she safe. Why is she ignoring me.

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