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When I look up, Draco Malfoy is staring at me.

Here we are on a crowded platform, a million and one excited students whizzing about all around us, and his eyes are somehow on me. His stormy grey eyes watch my every move intensely from where he's perched across from me; his back leaning casually against the train car with his arms folded tightly over his chest.

He's smirking at me, his platinum blonde hair flopped in his face. He raises his brows at me the way he usually does when he catches my unamused stare, his fingers gently swiping the blonde ends of hair away from his eyes. His mouth opens slightly, his head tilting back as he laughs at something Crabbe and Goyle said from their spots on either side of him.

I stare back at him, my heart beginning to pound against my chest. I'm completely frozen, like a deer in the headlights not knowing which direction to turn as my head begins twisting in thought. My breath escapes me quietly, time seeming to stand perfectly still around me.

Everyone around us in the crowded station seems to fade away, and for a moment it's just Malfoy and I standing across from each other and staring. Out of all the people here, his eyes somehow find mine. But why? I mean what about me could have caught his attention.

Normally I would roll my eyes at him in response to his smugness, but it's the beginning of a new school year and I don't want him to take away from the excitement. For once, I just want to get through a day without him having to ruin it, it that really too much to ask for.

I slowly shake my head, breaking out of my trance when a tall male figure steps in front of my line of vision. The station bounces back with life again as I slowly come back to reality, taking my bottom lip between my teeth at the sudden sensory overload. My attention shifts back to my brother, and I begin to wonder how long I had been staring absentmindedly in Draco's direction.

It's the first of September, one of the most exciting days of the year for young witches and wizards everywhere. Platform 9 ¾ is buzzing with the excited chatter and laughter of students returning back to another exhilarating school year at Hogwarts.

Students everywhere are moving about the platform, hugging their crying families hurriedly before turning and running off to reunite with smiling friends. Everyone is beyond eager to board the Express, marking the beginning of the long-awaited journey back to the beloved school.

"Hmm?" I hum lightly, my brows furrowing at my brother in confusion. I had completely missed his question when I was held captive by Malfoy's eyes.

Danny is staring down at me, his lips parted slightly as if he suddenly lost the words he was going to speak. He furrows his brows curiously, turning slowly to look in the direction I had been staring.

When I glance up again, leaning slightly to the left to peer around my brother's shoulder, Draco and his friends are no longer across from me. My eyes scan the length of the train quickly, searching for any signs of the platinum blonde haired boy but he's nowhere to be found. They must have already boarded the Express.

My heart pounds in my chest at the thought of Draco staring at me. I mean why me? We both hate each other, we're enemies. We've always had it out for each other and nothing will ever change that. But here we are, going around in circles again with the stares and smirks.

"Have you got everything? Bag, books, trunk, wand?" Danny repeats, breaking me out of my trance for a second time. He's double checking to make sure I've remembered to pack everything for the return to school. He knew I was bound to forget something, I always do.

"Yes Sir" I giggle, saluting him playfully. He raises his brow at me, narrowing his eyes slightly as he questions if I've actually remembered everything. I roll my eyes at him playfully, lightly nudging his side.

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