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"We have to get in there and get that sword" Ginny says rather harshly, shoving her shoulder into someone in the hallway. She stops short, causing my chest to collide into her shoulder. Her head moves from side to side, the long plait swaying against her back.

"Gin this is dangerous" I try to reason. She turns around quickly.

"Harry needs us now more than ever" she hisses under her breath so only Luna and I can hear her. No-one at the school knows we have been secretly in contact with the Golden Trio since they've left. And it has to stay that way.

"I know that, but Ginny we don't have a solid plan. We can't just go barging in Snape's office"

"She's right, Ginny. Without a plan we're at a higher risk for getting caught. You know what the stakes are here" Luna reasons, gently placing her hand on Ginny's arm. "You know we are on board and will do whatever it takes. But without a plan, we aren't going after that sword. That's what Harry would have wanted"

"Alright fine, but we need to think of something and need to do it fast. We're running out of time. They are depending on us, we cannot let them down." Ginny snaps.

The three of us glance to each other and begin making our way down the hallway to go somewhere private where no-one will hear us. Ginny's right, our window is closing to get that Sword. We have to get it to Harry and the others.

My arm is tugged unexpectedly as Neville comes to stand between Luna and I. He grabs both of our arms and pulls us forward as he reaches for Ginny as well, and soon he's dragging all three of us quickly down the hallway. He pushes us into a deserted classroom and pulls the door shut softly before glancing out the window to make sure no-one noticed us. He slides a bookcase in front of the door for extra safety before glancing out the window once more.

"Longbottom what on Earth is going on" Ginny snaps.

"There's no time. Listen I have a plan, but we need to act fast. Snape is leaving for a faculty meeting in twenty minutes, so if we're getting that sword we need to do it now"

"How do you know-"

"Just listen to me. One of us is going in that office and grabbing the sword, the others are standing watch. With three of us outside of the room, we can distract Snape if he comes back early. And if something does happen and we get caught, it'll be better if only one of us gets in trouble rather than all of us. Either way its risky but its the only choice we've got if we're going to do this. Are you girls with me?" Neville explains breathless.

"I'm in" Ginny says wasting no time.

"Me too" Luna chimes in.

I hesitate for just a moment.

"Me too." I manage.

We all glance to each other, all four of us have the same thought racing through our heads but noone wants to ask.

"So who's going in after the sword?" I manage, realizing time is ticking away. And it's time we don't have.

"Well, that's the thing..." Neville hesitates. "I'm not graceful, my gran says I'm a bull in a china shop. I think it'd be best for me not to go in." he says sheepishly.

"Great, anyone else?" I sigh.

No-one says anything, but I can tell by the way they're looking at me I've been nominated.

"Me? But I'm one of the smallest ones here" I whine.

"Exactly Annah, you're the smallest one. You can sneak in unnoticed, and fit in places we can't. I think you're the best option" Ginny admits.

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