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"Luna you're still coming tonight right?" Ginny asks, raising a cocky brow over her shoulder. She comes to a slow stop while waiting for Luna's reply, raising a brow as she crosses her arms against her chest and leans against the wall across from me.

"Yes of course!" Luna exclaims immediately, her fairy like voice floating through the space between us. I reciprocate Ginny's actions, leaning lightly against the stone wall with my arms folded against my chest while glancing between the two girls.

"Harry said it's important we all be there. Do you have any idea as to what it's about?" Ginny directs the question over her shoulder to Luna.

"Not at all, but Neville's passing off the new password to Gryffindor Tower after Herbology" Luna shrugs innocently.

Ginny and Luna begin chattering softly between each other, both bouncing theories and possible explanations back and forth as to why Harry had asked a select few of us to congregate in Gryffindor's common room. The D.A. has been dissolved since the incident with Umbridge last year, so the question remains as to what Harry's urgency could be about.

I don't have the heart to tell the two about Snape's potions book that now rests in Harry's possession. It's not exactly my place to say anything about the discovery that is currently held hostage in Harry's trunk. Harry feels as though it's his responsibility to inform our extremely close knit circle of friends about the possible consequences associated with having the book in our possession.

Hermione and I have turned over the possible scenarios countlessly before agreeing on some form of a plan. Our intentions are focused on Ginny helping Harry reach the decision of disposing the book for good.

Everyone knows there has been romantic tension going on between the two for quite some time now, even though neither one of them have come forth with any form of details or confirmation. Either way, if anyone was going to be able to snag the book away and convince Harry to disposing of it properly, it's going to be Ginny.

Slow, heavy footsteps approaching pulls me out of my thoughts, the unexpected presence now joining us catches me completely off guard.

"Hey can I ask you something?" I startle lightly at Ron's voice as his hand takes hold of my shoulder from behind to steady me. "Sorry didn't mean to frighten you." He chuckles lightly to himself as his fingers squeeze gently in reassurance, and my eyes break from Luna's to turn and meet with Ron's when he shifts closer into my side.

"Sure, what's up Ron?" I push myself upright from the wall, shifting slightly so that Ginny, Luna and Ron are now all in my line of vision at the same time.

"Girls, do you mind giving us a second?" Ron nods towards Ginny and Luna while waiting for a response. Ginny rolls her eyes in annoyance at her brother which causes a slight giggle to escape from Luna's lips in response.

"God Ronald you're so annoying. Why can't you just ask already and be on your merry way?" Ginny huffs while narrowing her eyes in suspicion at Ron.

"Because this conversation does not pertain to you little sis. C'mon now, off you go before you're late to class." Ron smirks while taking a few steps toward Ginny, and placing a hand on her lower back he nudges her in the direction of her next lesson. Ron raises a cocky brow when she huffs in annoyance and shoves his touch away hastily. "Luna we'll see you tonight?" Ron turns towards her curiously.

"Absolutely" Luna flashes her bright smile before nodding to me.

"I'll catch up with you girls after class?" I stand on my tiptoes to glance at them past Ron's shoulder. Ginny and Luna both smile and nod to me before Ginny scowls at Ron as she spins on her heel. Ron and I both watch as they disappear around the corner.

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