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I turn the corner, walking as quickly as my legs will carry me through the now deserted corridor. My heart is pounding against my chest, my breath coming out in steady puffs as my head starts drowning with thoughts.

What the hell is wrong with Malfoy? Sometimes he really gets my blood boiling and other times he's got me totally weak in the knees. We can't have feelings for each other, I mean he's a Slytherin for goodness sake, it would never work-

"Annah! Annah wait!" His voice desperately calls out from somewhere behind me, the sounds of his light footsteps jogging after me traveling down the corridor.

I keep my head down and keep walking quickly, hooking a quick right at the end of the hallway. I break out into a light jog, desperately trying to put as much distance between myself and Draco as possible.

To my horror Draco takes a detour and begins sprinting through the open courtyard, catching me halfway across the corridor on the other side. His fingers wrap around the inside of my bicep, pulling me to the side so I'm stumbling onto the grass just inside the courtyard. My body collides forcefully into his, my hands pressing to his chest for support as his hands slip to the small of my back, pulling me up onto my tippy toes against him.

Before I have time to react his lips are on mine, his hands pulling me tighter into his body as he kisses me passionately.

The kiss is good, the kiss is amazing actually and it's not like one I've ever experienced before. My stomach is bursting with butterflies, my heart pounding against my chest at the feeling of his soft lips moving perfectly in synch with mine. The chemistry between us is so strong it feels as though fireworks are about to shoot off around us, sending my heart into overdrive.

I know he feels the same way because he pulls me impossibly closer to his body, shifting us so my back is now pressed up against the stone wall in the corner of the courtyard. His hand drops to my left side, his free forearm resting against the cool wall next to my head. My hands trail down his chest, grasping at the sides of his grey sweater and pulling him closer to me.

"Draco" I mumble breathless against his soft lips, his hand squeezing my side in acknowledgement. My heart stops as I realize it's the first time I've ever called him by his first name. His lips twist up in a gentle smile against mine, his hand squeezing at my side again before he pulls away slowly.

He smiles down at me, the ends of his platinum blonde hair falling into his sparkling grey eyes as he rests his forehead against mine. His breath comes out in gentle puffs tickling at my cheeks, both of us panting lightly for breath.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that" He smiles at me, taking my face in both his hands. His palms are pressed lightly to the sides of my neck with his thumbs resting on my jawbone, my heart fluttering at his gentleness.

"Yeah?" I lightly mumble, taking my bottom lip in between my teeth. My left hand comes up to the back of his neck, my fingers lightly playing with the soft blonde hair at the nape.

We both smile happily at each other, becoming completely lost in the moment together. My eyes flicker from his down to his lips before meeting back with his again, silently signaling for him to kiss me again. He smiles at this, slowly leaning in to connect our lips again. My eyes flutter closed when his nose lightly rubs against mine, my heart feeling like it's going to explode at his lips just barely brushing mine-

"Malfoy! What the hell do you think you're doing!" Ron screams, running at us from the corridor across the courtyard from us.

"Get away from her!" Harry yells angrily, running a few steps behind Ron.

My body stiffens against him, my eyes shooting open to meet with his. I look into Draco's eyes in fear: not because of the fact we got caught kissing, but because I know my friends are going to try to hurt him. Harry hates Malfoy with his guts, and this is a perfect opportunity for Harry to finally bust Malfoy one.

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