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Being with Draco has been nothing but a total dream, it's nothing I could have ever imagined on my own. Who would have known that Draco Malfoy could have a soft and caring side to him somewhere beneath his millions of layers of thick skin. He shows me sides of him, sides that I didn't even know could exist when it comes to a Malfoy.

Sides like always finding secluded spots on the school grounds where we can be alone and he can shelter me from the negative attention I've been receiving for a while, and always worrying about my safety when he's not around to protect me.

Sides where he constantly finds ways to make me smile and laugh so hard my stomach is crippling with pain and I'm left gasping desperately for breath. Sides where he leaves me small surprises to find like secret notes in my textbooks or finding ways to sneak me some of my favorite sweets because he knows the simple gestures make my day. Sides where he walks me to and from all of my classes even if it's not one we share just so he knows I'm okay, and holding my hand in the crowded corridors with our fingers intertwined because he knows it calms my anxiety.

Sides where he always makes sure to wear just a little too much cologne because he knows the smell of him lingering on my clothes and skin makes me feel closer to him when he's preoccupied with other duties. Sides where he makes sure to squeeze me a little tighter when his larger frame engulfs my smaller one in a comforting hug because he knows it makes me feel safe, and when he always makes sure to meet me outside of the portrait every night for a goodnight kiss.

Whenever we're together it's just me and him, the whole world seems to just disappear around us. Time always seems to speed up and slip away, and hours with him feels more like seconds. No matter how much time we spend together, it never feels like its enough and I find myself counting down the seconds until I can be with him again.

He's always on my mind, every second of every day is spent on him. Thoughts of him keep me up at night and not in a bad way either. I stopped sleeping entirely, because with Draco Malfoy my reality has become far better than my wildest dreams.

It's like I'm always craving him, and being with him suppresses the cravings but they never completely go away. I constantly find myself missing him, even if we're standing right next to each other I miss him because I know at some point we're going to go our own separate ways and participate in other school activities the other is not a part of. And when he's not around forget it, the cravings only grow stronger and I'm always left wanting more of him. I can't get enough of him, it's like I'm addicted to him.

It's like I've become totally dependent on him, like traces of him courses through my veins and I'm loving the high. Wherever he goes I want to be right there beside him, I can't seem to stay away from him for extended periods of time. My heart longs for him, it always feels like a piece of me is missing when he's not around. My anxiety levels drop significantly with him, I feel safe and like nothing bad could ever happen to me as long as he's there. I've never felt so strongly for someone before, the feeling I get with him is like I've known him my whole entire life and he's the piece that's been missing.

Yes he's the guy everyone warns you to stay away from, not only for his bad reputation with girls but also for the name he holds. For a guy who comes from a long line of dark wizards, Draco is completely different. Yes he plays the part of being a cold and hard jerk, but it's just a front, like he's wearing a mask. The Malfoy family name has certain expectations and traits that come along with it, but that's not the real Draco. He plays the game, not wanting to be a disgrace to his family and to the Malfoy name, and it hurts him that that's all he's really known for even though he would never admit it to anyone.

And in a way I feel bad for him, no one ever really wants to get to know him because of his last name. I can tell how bad it pains him, the internal battle inside of him between the darkness and the light. The hurt in his voice and the anger burning behind his eyes from our night on the lawns eats at me, it breaks my heart knowing how much the way people view Draco secretly hurts him.

Light In the Dark | D.MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now