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"Hmm I want three kids one day" Draco murmurs with his cheek pressed to the top of my hair. His fingertips gently trail up and down my bare shoulder from where I'm tucked comfortably in the space between his neck and chest, my fingers lightly tracing circles against his smooth pale skin.

"Three?" Draco pulls back as I glance up to him. He raises a brow in question with a small smirk pulling on his lips.

"Three. What's so wrong with that Willy?" He questions.

"Nothing is wrong with that" I shake my head lightly. "I just never took you for being someone who wanted kids"

"Why, are you saying I'd be a horrible father?" His tone darkens.

"Of course not!" I pull away from his grip to look at him properly. "I just figured kids wasn't your forte, that's all. I didn't mean to offend you, I'm sorry."

Draco stares at me in silence, his chest rising and falling steadily while he contemplates. I bite my bottom lip self consciously at the uncomfortable silence that's filled the room.

"It wouldn't be so horrible to have a wife and kids some day" he finally says. "Not now anyways, but some day." I flinch lightly when Draco moves his fingers towards my face but relax when he gently tucks a loose piece of hair behind my ear.

A warm feeling burns across my belly, my heart fluttering dangerously at his words. Draco Malfoy, wanting to be a husband and father, who would've known?

"I think you'd be a great father and husband. Your future family is extremely lucky to have you"

"If you say so" he shrugs easily before pulling me back down to his chest.

I settle back down against him, my leg draped over his while listening to his steady heart beat. He lightly drags his fingertips up and down my shoulder again, settling his cheek to the top of my hair.

"Do you want kids?" He asks lightly.

"Two" I hum lightly against his chest.

"Two" he repeats while gently stroking his fingers through my dark waves.

Draco rests his free hand against the other side of his chest which captures my attention. My eyes flutter to the all too familiar glinting coming from the band adorning his ring finger.

Without thinking my fingers trace over the prominent veins present on the back of his hand, curiously twisting the smokey grey metal around his finger. I watch in awe as the snake seems to come to life and slither it's way around his slender digit.

"You like that huh?" he asks, watching carefully as I concentrate on the serpents movements.

"Mhm" I lightly hum.

Draco's body stiffens beneath me at this, and his other hand releases from my shoulder suddenly. My body stiffens at this, and I retract my hand away out of instinct. My heart pounds nervously in my chest at the anticipation that I've offended him in some way.

His arm squeezes around my body a little more firmly, my gaze transfixed when he slowly twists the band until it comes off his finger and into the palm of his hand. He gently takes hold of my left hand, and slides the metal carefully onto my own ring finger. The metal band is still slightly warm from his skin.

"Maybe it will be yours some day" he whispers.

My attention snaps to him curiously, and I search his face desperately for any kind of indication if he's joking. He stares back at me, raising a brow at my stunned reaction. A small smirk pulls at the corner of his mouth when his words begin to process.

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