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The past two days Draco's presence has been noticeably increased, he's been seen lurking in the corridor outside of the Gryffindor common room. He's been hovering near Gryffindor students, desperately trying to uncover any sort of information on the twins' back to school party. He's aware that Fred and George planned for the party to be tonight, but what he doesn't know is that the prank kings have a little something special planned for him.

After my encounter with Malfoy in the dungeon, I had gone to warn the boys straight away about Draco's plan to shut the party down. Along my way I had uncovered some valuable information about Draco's party, thanks to Millicent Bullstrode and Daphne Greengrass. I had overheard them talking, excitedly gossiping about the Slytherin party being held the same night as the twins.

This was going to be perfect; The twins being the cheeky pranksters that they are decided to take this information and run with it, hatching a brilliant plan. The party was still on, the boys accepting the challenge of still throwing the extravaganza without being caught just to spite Draco. There was only one party getting busted tonight and it was going to be Malfoy's. As long as everyone cooperated, the plan was sure to work.

The first step was to get Draco to believe that the party was in fact canceled. All Gryffindors were immediately asked to start spreading rumors nonchalantly about the change of plans, making it seem as though Gryffindors were only spreading awareness within themselves.

Of course we knew that students of all houses were bound to catch onto the information, so word was bound to get back to Draco somewhere down the grapevine. Eventually the whole school would be aware that the party was canceled. Once word had begun to spread, all mentions of the bash outside the safety of the common room had ceased entirely, making it seem as if plans for a party had never existed in the first place.

Of course Draco was getting suspicious, thinking the rumors were just a cover up for something bigger. But as he lurked around the corridor and students, not a single peep had been ushered about anything pertaining to the party. He had no lead, nothing to bust us for.

I knew that Draco would be lurking outside of the common room the eve of the festivities, he wouldn't miss up an opportunity to potentially cause trouble for us. So I happily volunteered to be the one to distract Malfoy while his party was getting busted. I was going to set him up, he'd never see it coming.

Neville had volunteered to be the one to follow up on a tip that was "anonymously" put into Umbridge about the Slytherin bash. Anonymously being that Luna on behalf of Cho and the rest of the Ravenclaw house had slipped Umbridge an unsigned parchment explaining Draco's party plans.

It was their way of getting Malfoy back for putting an end to their celebration a week prior. Ravenclaws' had our backs, they wanted to see Draco Malfoy punished for abusing his prefect privileges just as much as anyone else in the entire school.

Neville was going to unknowingly confirm to Umbridge that the tip was correct, and there was in fact a Slytherin party being held. Umbridge wouldn't be able to dismiss the issue if it was brought to her attention more than once with two different sources, giving her a valid reason to investigate. Neville is the most believable student and is seen as a goody two shoes by the professors, so Umbridge was sure to take the bait.

Once Draco was out of our corridor trying to clean up his mess, the real party would begin. We had two days to pull the stunt off, but everyone was coming together to make it happen. Operation party crasher/party thrasher was in effect, and everyone was confident it was going to be successful.


"Ready?" Fred and George ask at the same time, peering at me from across the overcrowded table. They both smirk at me, they're brows raising mischievously. We're all currently at dinner in the Great Hall, carrying on with our lives as usual as the countdown to the festivities began.

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