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After my explanation of why I did what I did when it came to convincing Draco that the bond I held with my friends was almost non-existent, it became apparent to the small group of people what my intentions were the whole time.

They now know that I have always been on their side even if it was from a distance, and my loyalties will always continue to lie with them no matter what kind of position we may hold.

They're beginning to come around to me more, they're trusting and confiding within me again and my heart couldn't be happier. Well all with the exception of Ginny, she's still on the fence with everything going on but we're slowly mending things back together.

Even though they're all still a bit weary and reluctant about my relationship with Draco, they're beginning to understand that my moralities are completely separate from his. Although we both have our own separate opinions and loyalties when it comes to the brewing war at hand, it remains just as that: Draco's opinions are solely his own and nothing more.

Ginny, Luna and I all pack our belongings into our bags from our usual spots in the library and begin making our way up to the seventh floor for a DA meeting. Since Harry's incident with Umbridge over leaving the Room of Requirement, she has increased the amount of security from her Squad. Her suspicions of the DA are continuing to rise, and although it's almost becoming too dangerous to use the Room of Requirement, we need to continue our training.

The DA has too many members to try and use another location, and we'd be at an increased risk of someone finding us out in passing. Using the Room of the Requirement is extremely risky and dangerous considering what happened, but it remains the safest place for us to continue practicing.

On top of being primarily equipped with what we need, most of the students in Hogwarts excluding a few members of the Inquisitorial Squad aren't even aware of its existence which works in our favor immensely.

"Are you sure you never told Malfoy about the Room of Requirement the day Harry got caught?" Ginny asks breathlessly as she weaves through another set of moving bodies. I sidestep around a small group of Slytherin girls, readjusting the strap of my bag and pulling it further up my shoulder as Ginny steps closer towards my side.

"Of course I didn't say anything Gin, you know I would never do such a thing. I've been very very careful with him, I promise I've never given him a reason to suspect anything." I glance over my right shoulder, flashing her a quick reassuring smile before breaking from her side as another student pushes hurriedly through us.

"Where exactly does he think you are right now anyways? He's always so overprotective of where you are every damn minute of the day its actually quite pathetic" she rolls her eyes playfully in disgust, nudging her elbow into my side as she moves closer.

"What, he is not" I protest by nudging my shoulder into hers lightly while returning her playful eye roll. "And I haven't an idea, haven't seen him since potions this morning." I shrug innocently, keeping my attention focused to the sea of bodies moving in front of us. I carefully lift my foot up higher than necessary to step over an abandoned book in the hallway, being sure to give myself enough clearance to avoid any unwanted accidents.

"He's not following us, is he?" Ginny nearly mumbles under her breath with a tone mixed of disgust and disbelief as she glances back over her shoulder. "What?" she questions when she reshifts her attention back to the corridor in front of us, catching my furrowed brows out of the corner of her eye.

"Really?" I ask sarcastically, rolling my eyes again.

"Can't be too safe. It's not like him to not be near your side for more than an hour at a time, that boy has you under some serious lock and key. God next thing you know we're all going to have to ask permission to speak to you." She rolls her eyes in disgust at the thought.

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