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Rachel knew she was many things. Talented was a given, as well as a diva. She was known to be bossy, insecure, sometimes unable to keep her nose put of things that didn't involve her, jealous and unpopular. She accepted herself for who she was, knowing that many people saw the bad before they saw the good. 

But one thing Rachel Berry knew she was, was perceptive. And watching Kurt sing his lines of 'For Good', gazing wistfully across the stage, she knew what was going through his mind. So when the final notes had run out, when they had hugged and she had declared her love for the stage, Rachel turned the conversation around. 

"You were thinking about Blaine, weren't you?"

And there was another thing that Rachel certainly was; blunt. Kurt immediately blushed, shaking his head, but Rachel pressed forward. "I know that look, Kurt. That's how I was looking at Finn when he sang songs to Quinn or slow danced with her at Prom. You're in love."

"Yes." It was barely more than a whisper, but it was there. 

"How long?"

Kurt sighed, sitting on the edge of the stage. "It feels like forever now. At least since Christmas."

Rachel joined him, touching his arm gently. "Why haven't you told him?" 

"Because he's not interested."

As Kurt stared out over the seats, Rachel frowned incredulously. Every time she had seen the two boys interact, it had been clear as day to her that Blaine certainly was interested in Kurt. But something must have happened to make Kurt believe that Blaine wasn't, and she wanted to know what. "Why do you think that?" 

Kurt sighed. "When all that Valentines Day stiff went down, I basically admitted my feelings, and he did nothing with them. We did a heartbreaking duet together at Regionals because he said my voice was magical. He came to Prom with me so he could stand up to the bullies he had let rule him for so long - even if they were different ones. None of that was because he's interested."

Rachel shook her head, grabbing Kurt's hand. "How do you know of you haven't asked him?"

"Because he's Blaine Anderson. Lead soloist for the Dalton Academy Warblers. Always in control, always so perfect..." Kurt brushed a hand through his hair in frustration. "How could someone like me stand a chance with him?" Rachel began to interject, but Kurt overrode her. "But you know what? It doesn't matter." He turned to face her, a smile appearing on his face. "Yes, I sung that song about Blaine. But I didn't sing it about Blaine as the boyfriend I want. I sung it about Blaine, the friend who has been there for me and helped me through so much. We've had our ups and downs, just like all friendships, but he's been my rock this whole time. I love him, but if I can only ever be his friend then I'll happily take that."

The smile on his face was so genuine that Rachel reached out for another hug. "You're a braver person than I am, Kurt."

Kurt pulled away, smiling ruefully. "It comes with the title. Only gay kid who's out of the closet, you have to be." He stood, brushing imaginary dirt off his pants. "But enough of that. We need to get back before Mr. Schue notices we're gone."

Rachel jumped to her feet, heading across the stage to grab her jacket. As she picked it up, she saw her phone lying on top of it and suddenly remembered a very important fact that she should have thought of quite some time ago.

When Kurt had pulled her up onto the stage, she had known what was coming next; of course neither of them would pass up an opportunity to sing a Wicked song on this stage. So, as she had taken off her jacket, she had quickly grabbed her phone and set an audio recording going. With a bit of editing, she could make the sound relatively clear and hopefully run the number by Mr. Schue next year so he might consider more Wicked numbers for their repertoire.

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