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"Well, he's not coming out any time soon."

Blaine watches the jock making his way down the stairs, trying to calm his breathing so Kurt doesn't notice how scared he actually had been. For a second, memories flash past his eyes of his old school and - no, Blaine. Not now.

Blaine turns to see Kurt sitting on the stairs looking like his heart was breaking and Blaine can't bear it. "What's going on?" he asked, sitting next to him and trying to catch his eye. "Why are you so upset?"

The next second, Blaine mentally kicks himself. Of course Kurt is allowed to be upset, he tells himself, the idiot forced himself on him then completely denied it. You try going through that without being upset. Yet, there seems to be so much more to it than what Kurt has been letting on.

Kurt looks up at him with tears spilling down his cheeks and Blaine just wants to pull him into a huge hug, but hesitates, unsure whether Kurt would respond positively to the contact. "Because up until now, I had never been kissed. Or at least - not one that counted."

Blaine bites his lip, mentally weighing up his options. He could take Kurt somewhere for lunch and they'd do their best to forget about the whole situation and he could start trying to heal. Or Blaine could do the right thing and actually talk it through with Kurt, even though that would mean opening himself up to a boy he had only just met. Could he do that?

Courage, Blaine.

The voice echoes in his head for a second, but it's enough.

"Kurt, you still haven't."

Kurt freezes in the act of wiping his eyes, looking back at Blaine. "Blaine, I didn't lie you know. He might be in denial but I thought you would believe me."

"Kurt, I believe you. I know he kissed you. What I'm saying is that it didn't count." Blaine sighs and runs a hand over his hair before plucking up his nerve and resting it gently on Kurt's. When Kurt doesn't pull away, Blaine takes it as a sign of encouragement and continues to talk. "Who have you kissed before?"

"Brittany." Blaine raises an eyebrow as Kurt hastily explains. "She's a girl in our Glee club and one of the cheerleaders. I was trying to convince my dad that I was straight so he would spend more time with me and Brittany wanted a perfect record. So we kissed where my dad would walk in, which naturally led to a strange and awkward moment. Needless to say, my dad now knows I'm 100% gay. Not something I ever want to experience again." Kurt mutters something about rootbeer under his breath, a grossed-out expression on his face.

I love getting to know this guy. Blaine can't help the smile at the image of this clearly gay boy sitting next to him kissing a girl. "So, why didn't that count?"

"I don't know. Because she's a girl? Because it didn't mean anything?"

"Because it didn't mean anything. Kurt, a kiss is only a true kiss when both people give it freely." Blaine stares into Kurt's eyes, hoping he'll understand, even though his heart is doing backflips at the proximity of his eyes .. and lips.. Focus, Blaine!

"Karofsky kissed you." Kurt flinches and squeezes his hand as Blaine begins to run circles over it with his thumb soothingly. "And that's going to hurt for awhile, I know. But what he did there was try to force something from you. And you didn't give it to him. You didn't give him your heart or your soul. You didn't give him your permission."

Kurt looks hesitantly hopeful, so Blaine continues to talk about things that he himself has dreamt of. "One day, you will share that moment with someone. You might kiss them or they might kiss you. It doesn't matter. Either way, when you kiss and you've both chosen to, it will be amazing, Kurt. When you kiss someone, you give a part of yourself to them - only small, yes. But you still do. And when they give a part of them to you in return, that's what makes it so special. It's not about the action, it's what's behind it. That will be the kiss that counts. I can't wait for that moment either -"

"Wait." Kurt interrupts, looking adorably puzzled. "You've never been kissed either?"

Blaine smiles. "Not one that counts. I've played my games of spin-the-bottle, after all." He continues to look into Kurt's eyes and sees something shift there, like a storm cloud slowly passing away. "But when I do -"


"When I do, I hope it's with someone as wonderful and amazing as you, Kurt."

And now the hope is shining so bright in his eyes that Blaine can barely stand to look at them but can't draw away. He knows Kurt wants this just as much as he does, but still hesitates. This is it for both of you. Cross this line and you're not going back. Can you live with that?

Blaine takes another glance down at Kurt's lips, slightly parted as if inviting him.

Hell yes.

Leaning in slowly - to give Kurt plenty of time to back out - Blaine closes the gap and presses their lips together.

The moment is very quick. Blaine is painfully aware that they are sitting in a public high school and any second a bunch of jocks could come around the corner. So he pulls away after a few seconds, watching as Kurt's eyes flutter open, a look of amazement on his face.

"So that's how it's meant to feel," he breathes and Blaine just wants to kiss him again because he looks so beautiful when he's happy. He settles for wrapping an arm around him and kissing him on the cheek.

Blaine knows this isn't going to be a happily-ever-after ending. They're in Ohio after all. And he still has to ask Kurt if he even wants a relationship and they'll probably take things slow for a very long time, and they're at different schools and everything and - Blaine stops, looking down at the gorgeous boy who has now rested his head on his shoulder.

Forget the bad, Blaine, and give it everything you've got to make him happy.

"Come on," Blaine says, standing up and offering a hand to Kurt. "I'll buy you lunch."

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