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"I'd say 'bye,' but that might offend you."

Kurt stared as Blaine stormed away from the table, trying to work out what the hell had happened. Sure, he'd overreacted but so had Blaine. Couldn't Blaine see that Kurt wasn't trying to change him, he was just trying to make him see who he was?

Obviously not.

Kurt stared at the half-drunken coffee on the table, then made a decision. Clearly there was more to this than Blaine was letting on and Kurt would be damned if he was going to stand by and let his friend storm out. Grabbing his bag, he quickly stood and followed Blaine out the door. Expecting to have to chase him to his car, he stopped in his tracks when he saw Blaine slumped on a bench outside. He didn't look up as Kurt sat down to him, staring morosely out at the parking lot.

Kurt gave him a moment, then spoke up. "I guess we both overrreacted a bit, right?"

Blaine gave no indication of hearing him.

Kurt raised an eyebrow. "Are you seriously going to sit there and ignore me?"

No answer.

"Ugh!" Kurt ran a hand through his hair angrily. "Blaine, don't be like this! You're supposed to be my friend -"

"Yeah?" Now Blaine was on his feet, pointing an accusing finger at Kurt. "And you're supposed to be mine too! But all you did was tell me I had to change who I was -"

"That is not what I said at all! Blaine, I just think you need to seriously think about this."

"What do you think I've been doing! It's not like I have much to go off, Kurt. I have one drunken kiss from a girl that felt good and I don't exactly have anything to base that against. You know I've never kissed a guy before, hell I've never kissed someone sober before. All I know is that the other night, I kissed a girl and I liked it and if I weren't so pissed off I'd probably sing about it. And if it felt good, then what do I do now? I reckon I'm not the only gay guy who's gone through this, Kurt. So why is it a crime? If Wes or David decided they thought they might be gay, we wouldn't be getting annoyed at them and telling them to hurry up and work it out or saying that because they both liked girls in the past then they can't like boys as well. We'd be helping them through and giving them time. And that's what I wanted from you. I want your support, I want you to tell me it'll be okay no matter what I decide, and I probably am gay Kurt. But I'm confused and I have no experience to go from and I don't know what the hell to do!"

By now Blaine was pacing across the sidewalk, running his hands through his hair. Kurt sat still, watching his obviously upset friend vent his feelings while his own thoughts ran away. At first he wanted to get up and scream at Blaine in return, saying he wasn't the only one struggling with things at the moment, but refrained as he looked at the visibly distressed boy walking in circles around the parking lot. Blaine needed something to sort his head out and Kurt had an idea. Nothing to compare it to, huh?

Kurt drew up all of his courage, stood and walked over to his still rambling friend. Stopping in front of Blaine, he grabbed his shoulders to stop him from walking.

"Kurt, what the hell do you want? Just leave me alone!"

"No," Kurt said simply, before leaning in to kiss Blaine.

After a few seconds of the most amazing feeling of his life, Kurt pulled away. Better not to get too close, this is for experimental purposes after all.

"So, you've now had a sober kiss from a guy. I know you haven't had a sober kiss with a girl yet but - uh, well, maybe it can help you figure it out." Kurt swallowed, his confidence rapidly disappearing. "I don't know, maybe - I think - maybe I should just go -"

Blaine put a finger to Kurt's lips before replacing it with his own.

When they broke apart, Blaine raised his eyebrows. "Okay, I don't think I'm homosexual anymore."

Kurt felt his heart drop somewhere into the parking lot. 

"But I'm not heterosexual either, or bisexual."

And now Kurt's just waiting for the customary punchline because Blaine, despite his charm and dapper-ness, is such a goofball.

"I'm Kurt-sexual."

Yep, there it is.

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