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"I don't think I've EVER made that big a fool of myself, which is really saying something because I've performed at theme parks." Blaine groaned, looking around at the decorations that just the other day had seemed so cute. "I just can't believe I made it all up in my head."

Blaine was so wrapped up in his misery that he almost missed the look on Kurt's face. "Okay, can I ask you something? Because we've always been completely honest with each other. You and I - we hang out .. we sing flirty duets together.. you know my coffee order... Was I supposed to think that that was nothing?"

Blaine looked at his friend, stunned. Could he really be saying -?

"What do you mean?"

Kurt took a deep breath and Blaine saw the hints of vulnerability peeking through the brave facade. "I thought the guy that you wanted to ask out on Valentines Day was me."

Blaine couldn't move. His brain whirred, trying to comprehend the admission he had been waiting for so long to hear, but had told himself that it would never happen. The words that had played at the back of his mind every time Kurt had smiled at him or laughed, the way his eyes would light up when he was excited about something, they were always there. But Blaine had pushed it away, knowing that Kurt would never see him that way. And now he found out that it was true. Kurt felt the same way and Blaine felt his heart could burst. Then he looked at his friend and saw the way his lip was slightly trembling and his eyes were downcast and Blaine realized he'd been silent for too long and Kurt thought he'd been rejected.

"Come with me." Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand and almost dragged him out of the coffee shop. As soon as they were outside, he spun him around and pulled the now-trembling boy into a hug. Kurt's facades never lasted long when the emotions came to the surface and Blaine knew he was going to break down in there if he hadn't done something.

Kurt's trembling eased and Blaine held him for a second longer before reluctantly letting him go. Looking into his eyes, Blaine knew this was it. If he didn't give Kurt something, he would give up now and there would never be another shot. Now or never. Fight or flight. Could he do it?

Blaine, you've spent your whole life running from anything that could get behind your walls because it might hurt you. You've now got the chance to make both of you so happy and you're willing to throw it away because of that old fear?

"Kurt, I'm completely clueless and I'll happily admit that. I have no idea what I'm doing, I just look like I do. On the outside, there's an out and proud teenage guy who sings, drinks coffee and mentors people. On the inside, there's a boy who's too afraid to let people in because he's been hurt in the past. But Kurt, you're worth letting in and it's time I did."

Blaine could see Kurt starting to tear up and took his hands gently.

"I feel like I've been looking for you forever, Kurt. When I saw you on the staircase that first day, my heart stopped for a second because I thought you were an angel. Literally." Blaine laughed at himself. "But when you touched my arm and spoke to me, I knew by some impossibility you were real and here and you were talking to me. And all I wanted to do was spend more time with you. And then when I found out what you were going through at your old school, I just wanted to take that away from you. But when I knew I couldn't, I gave you what I could, which was me. When you came to Dalton, I was so happy, not just because I could spend time with you but because I could feel like I was giving you that support I had promised myself I would. And I've watched you heal from the past and transform into the amazing, sassy, talented and passionate person you are. And somewhere along the way, I must've fallen in love with you."

"Blaine," Kurt whispered, his face full of hope. He seemed incapable of forming a sentence and simply stared at him, blinking rapidly to keep the tears away.

"What I did for Jeremiah today, that was the stupidest thing I've ever done. I thought if I paid attention to someone else, I'd be able to take my attention off you. Because I convinced myself a long time ago that you only saw me as a friend and I wanted to respect that. But even when I was singing, I knew that the person I wanted to be singing it to was you. And I can say I regret the past all I want, but all I want to do now is make a future. With you."

A tear slid down Kurt's cheek and Blaine lifted a hand to wipe it away, still staring into Kurt's eyes. The fear that had been in his stomach earlier had abated to a peace. Even if nothing came of this, even if they stayed friends, Kurt would know that someone loved him.

"Blaine - I - I don't know what to - I just -" Kurt gave up and leaned in, pressing his lips to Blaine's. Blaine was caught off guard by the kiss, but responded quickly, drawing Kurt into him and wrapping his arms around his waist. He deepened the kiss, feeling Kurt respond in kind and then there were hands on either side of his face and Blaine thought he might pass out because this was Kurt and he was kissing him.

Kurt broke away, slowly removing his hands from Blaine's face and wrapping them around his neck. "I couldn't find the words, so I hope that was acceptable." There was a trace of the usual Kurt-smirk at the corners of his mouth, but the effect was dulled by how incredibly happy he looked.

"Bit of a role reversal isn't it? When it comes to emotions, usually you're the eloquent one and I'm stumbling over my words." Blaine traced patterns on Kurt's lower back and smiled when he shivered.

"Mm, well as cute as you are when you're lost for words, I kinda like this Blaine." Kurt leant in to kiss him again quickly, both boys smiling into the kiss. Blaine pulled away first, smiling at the younger boy happily.

"Well, I love this Kurt."

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