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Kurt loves sleeping. Because sleeping means having awesome dreams like these ones where Blaine is chasing him around the room, singing Baby It's Cold Outside with him. And instead of stammering and looking like an idiot, Kurt actually manages to keep calm and respond to Blaine's flirting like he never could in reality.

Then Kurt stubs his toe on the side of the couch as he sits across from Blaine and suddenly realizes; this isn't a dream. Blaine is actually following him around the room and Kurt is so close to flipping out until he realizes it's his line.

"Say, what's in this drink?"

If Blaine notices the slight hesitancy in Kurt's voice, he doesn't pay any attention to it, delivering his rebuttal line. Luckily Kurt knows this song off by heart (and may or may not have daydreamed of singing this song with Blaine a couple of times), so he can continue to sing on autopilot while trying to work out if Blaine is just getting into the song or actually flirting with him until -

"Your eyes are like starlight, wow."

And it's that wow that gets Kurt and suddenly, somehow, without any experience to rely on, he knows that Blaine is as interested in Kurt as Kurt is in Blaine. And now they're leaning against the back of the couch and Kurt is singing - "I ought to say no, no, no sir," - and Blaine is shuffling in closer to sing his line and Kurt knows he has to do something now. So as Blaine moves on in and leans his head against Kurt's, he finishes his line and quickly turns his head to kiss Blaine on the cheek.

Blaine freezes, missing his next line as the music plays on behind him, staring at Kurt incomprehensibly. Kurt could almost see his brain working away - what did that mean? was he just in character? does he .. could he?

Kurt gives him a wink and saunters off to the piano, singing, "I really can't stay - "

And now Blaine has come to his senses and seems to have realized the same thing as Kurt. He follows Kurt to where he has sat on the piano stool and leans over him as they sing their line together - ".. it's cold outside!"

And as Blaine leans over to play the notes on the piano, he turns his head and kisses Kurt on the cheek in return, slightly closer to the corner of his mouth. Both boys hold the steaming look that passes between them, then Kurt's mouth quirks upwards as he stands again and begins to lead the now very-real chase around the room.

"I've got to get home -" Like hell I'm going anywhere. I'm staying right here.

Kurt feels Blaine's arm slip around his waist as he meets him at the fireplace and Kurt playfully shrugs him off, making sure to keep eye contact so Blaine knows that this is just an act. The kiss however - definitely real.

And Blaine definitely feels the same way, judging by the look in his eye when he sings, "I thrill when you touch my hand," allowing his hand to brush softly against Kurt's. The smouldering look in his eyes makes a shiver run up Kurt's back because this is Blaine singing these words about him. Kurt. He almost misses his next line, so caught up in the emotion and passion of the moment, but catches himself in time.

Now they're leaning across the couch towards one another and they're so close again and Kurt can't resist dropping another kiss on that perfect face, right on the edge of Blaine's mouth, causing him to slightly stumble over his line.

"I really can't stay - " "Get over that hold out!"

And now Blaine gestures towards the couch and Kurt quirks his head; I will if you will. Blaine agrees with a smile and have we seriously been having these conversations with our eyes all this time and never noticed?

Kurt drops next to Blaine, crossing his leg as they sing their final line, still in perfect time with the music.

"Oh but it's cold outside!"

The music comes to an end and all that can be heard in the room is the sound of the crackling fire and the breathing of two nervous teenage boys who are staring into one another's eyes, both searching to make sure what they saw during the song was still there and they weren't really mistaken. That their previously considered unrequited feelings are actually mirrored in the person sitting across from them.

Kurt raises an eyebrow and Blaine mirrors the action, giving the same head gesture as before; I will if you will.

And then their lips finally meet.

Kurt had imagined this moment many times in the past but it was nothing like he could have dreamed of. Nothing like his kiss with Brittany who seemed to be trying to suck his face off, or his kiss with Karofsky - Kurt pushes that to the back of his mind because that isn't something to be thinking of while having the most amazing first kiss ever. This is - well, call him cliche, but - totally indescribable. Absolutely, completely perfect.

Kurt reluctantly pulls away, opening his eyes to see a visibly flustered Blaine doing the same thing. Their eyes meet once more, again looking for that confirmation which is easily read in both of their faces. Kurt rests his forehead against Blaine's, entwining his fingers with him and letting a soft giggle escape his lips. And it's testament to how well they know each other that Blaine doesn't ask what he's laughing at or if there's something in his teeth. He just gives a sigh of satisfaction and reaches up his other hand to stroke Kurt's face.

After a few moments, it's Blaine's turn to reluctantly pull away, running his hand down Kurt's face in a way that makes him shiver before letting go and clearing his throat.

"Well, you are definitely better than that girl's going to be."

Kurt smirks. "I sure hope so. And I hope you don't give her the complete performance."

Blaine winks in response. "Don't worry, baby, that one is reserved all for you."

Kurt feels another shiver run down his back and he leans forward, pressing his lips to Blaine's again, feeling the taste of his boyfriend on his lips - wait.

"Blaine," Kurt says quietly, pulling away just enough that he can talk with his lips still resting against Blaine's. "Does this make us boyfriends?"

And he can feel Blaine laugh, the breath puffing gently over his lips. "Well, I don't kiss anyone like this, so I sure hope so." And with that, he presses his lips back against Kurt's, both of them smiling into the kiss because they've finally found someone to make them happy. And they could probably stay there forever until there's the sound of a door opening, then a gasp. Kurt breaks away and looks up to see the back of Mr Schuester's rapidly-disappearing head as he all but bolts out the door.

"You'd better go after him," Blaine says, reluctantly untangling himself from Kurt to let him go.

Kurt sighs, leaning in for one more quick kiss before standing up to find his old Glee teacher, leaving Blaine to do a silent victory dance around the room. Which he would completely deny if anybody happened to see it. Because Blaine Anderson is always in control.

He is also totally unaware of Kurt doing the same thing in the entrance hall and wondering how to contact the girl who's meant to be performing with Blaine and convincing her to stand down. Which he would completely deny if anybody happened to hear about it. Because Kurt Hummel is always sneaky.

But both boys have something in common. A rapidly growing feeling for their more-than-best-friend. And neither would give that up for the world.

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