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"So, which house is yours?"

Kurt's voice crackled through his bluetooth as Blaine pulled onto the street. "The white one on the left with my car outside it."

"Of course, that's a dead giveaway." Blaine chuckled, pulling into the driveway. "Alright, I'm outside, you ready?"

"On my way." The phone went dead and Blaine drummed his fingers nervously on the steering wheel, his eye on the front door. When Kurt had said he wanted to introduce him to his New Directions friends, Blaine's mind had immediately started putting ideas together. The group was bound to start making comments, and Blaine figured he could use it to his advantage to finally admit to the younger boy how he felt.

Blaine sighed. He hadn't seen Kurt since Friday when he had left for the weekend as he always did. Blaine stayed at Dalton most weekends, which hadn't been a problem until Kurt had arrived. Now those two days were spent in a state of boredom, waiting for him to get back so they could hang out. This weekend had been particularly bad. Just before he had left, Blaine had wandered over to Kurt's room to say goodbye and see if he needed help with his bags, only to overhear him chatting to Mercedes about their meeting on Monday.

"I hope you guys like him." Kurt had said apprehensively. There was silence while Mercedes said something. Then, "Yes, I know you know almost everything about him. I'm sorry if Blaine happens to be the guy I'm crushing on big time." Silence. "No, I haven't told him. How could I? He wouldn't feel the same."

Blaine stayed frozen against the wall, knowing he shouldn't be listening but unable to help himself. Kurt liked him?

"Anyway, 'Cedes, I'd better go. Blaine will be here in a couple of minutes and then I'll be back for the weekend. We'll go shopping, okay?"

Blaine quickly tiptoed back up the hall, waiting five minutes before making his way back down to Kurt's room and greeting him as if nothing was different, noting that Kurt looked slightly nervous. As they walked down to Kurt's car, he brought up the subject he had been chatting to Mercedes about, Blaine feigning ignorance.

"So, Blaine, you know how Monday's a Teacher Conference?"

Blaine hummed in agreement, shuffling the bag from one arm to another.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to come out to McKinley to meet my friends. They all really want to meet you and I figured if we went during Glee practice, none of the jocks would hunt us down, and I'll make sure nobody has a problem with the 'enemy' coming in or anything."

"I'd love to, Kurt." Blaine smiled, chucking the bag into the backseat of Kurt's Navigator, before pulling the boy into a quick hug. "I'll see you on Monday, then?"

When he had watched Kurt drive away, his brain was already in motion of how to make the moment perfect.

Blaine was jarred back to reality by the front door opening and Kurt emerging, looking immaculately dressed as usual. He leaned back in the door to say something to his dad, then shut it behind him and walked over to Blaine's car, sliding into the passenger seat. "Hey there," he greeted as Blaine pulled out of the driveway.

"Hey you," Blaine said, smiling at him quickly. "Good weekend?"

"Yeah. I rearranged my room again and baked with Carol. You?"

"Worked on assignments." Blaine pulled a face as Kurt chuckled. "Now, are you going to direct me there or what?"

Between directions, Kurt gave him the low down on the members of his old Glee club.

"So I talk about Mercedes a lot, you probably know enough about her. She's really looking forward to meeting you so there won't be any issues there. Rachel's our diva, she'll hate you on principle because she's had a bad experience with the competition before, don't take it personally. Tina probably won't say much but she's lovely. Quinn - well it depends on her mood. She'll probably spend the whole time on Finn's arm glaring at Rachel, but I think she'll be nice enough to you. Ignore anything that comes out of Brittany or Santana's mouths - Brittany's won't make sense and you'll end up with a headache trying to work it out, Santana's will scar you for life. I mean it. You've met Finn already, of course."

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