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"Morning guys!"

Blaine sat down at the table, grabbing his coffee as Wes and David murmured greetings. He looked around the room for a second, his smile fading slightly. "Where's Kurt?"

David looked up tiredly. "He's on his way. He was spending extra-long in the bathroom this morning so I just left him to it after he promised he wouldn't be late. Speaking of late -" he checked his watch and took the last bite of his breakfast. Wes and Blaine followed suit, grabbing their things and heading off to their first period class. On the way, Blaine pulled his phone out to text Kurt.

Hey, everything alright? You're going to be late - Blaine

The reply came as they were just about to enter their French classroom.

Yeah, be there soon - Kurt

Blaine raised an eyebrow at the brief reply but sat down at their usual seat, saving Kurt's place for him. Their teacher walked in and began to call attendance, stopping at Kurt's name. "He'll be here in a minute, I think," Blaine said to a raised eyebrow.

One minute turned into ten and still no sign of Kurt. Blaine was just about to ask to go to the bathroom so he could check up on him when Kurt appeared in the open doorway.

Blaine stared. Instead of its normal style, Kurt's hair was sticking up and had clearly been styled that way. His blazer was undone, showing that his shirt was untucked underneath and his tie loosely draped around his neck. He caught Blaine's eye and smirked before focusing his attention on the startled teacher.

"Monsieur Hummel? Tu as trop dormi?" (1)

"Non, j'étais juste occupé. Désolé je suis en retard"(2) Kurt replied in perfect French. Ever since Kurt had arrived at Dalton, Madame Lutard had loved him. The rest of the boys could speak passable conversational French, but Kurt was in a class of his own. It was mostly because of this that she let his explanation slide, gesturing for him to take a seat. Kurt slid into the seat next to Blaine, completely ignoring him as he pulled his books out. Which was probably a good thing, Blaine realized as he snapped his mouth shut and tried to pretend he wasn't staring at Kurt.

Their two hour French lesson basically consisted of Kurt and Madame Lutard conversing while the rest of the class took notes. Or, in Blaine's case, pretended to take notes while watching Kurt out of the corner of his eye. Once the initial shock had worn off, he had taken in Kurt's appearance and now couldn't look away. Blaine knew Kurt had been struggling to settle in, used to being an individual. But he hadn't realized the uniform had gotten to him so much that he would rebel against it. And that hair - Blaine knew he would have to have a serious talk to Kurt about following the rules and not rebelling, while running his hands through that gorgeous hair and -

Woah. Where did that come from?

Blaine blinked, trying to focus on his French which he quickly realized was impossible. Something had changed inside him since Kurt had shown up to class an hour ago and he needed to work out what it was.

Okay, Blaine. So you were fine until Kurt got here. Is it that his appearance offends you?

Blaine snuck another look at the younger boy who looked so adorably dishevelled -

No. It definitely doesn't offend you. And since when have you called Kurt 'adorable' or 'gorgeous'? I mean, it's not like you -

Blaine gasped before he could stop himself, unwittingly drawing the attention of both Kurt and the teacher. "Monsieur Anderson? Tu vas bien?"(3)

Blaine blushed, stammering out his reply. "Oui, ça va, désolé."(4) He got a scrutinizing look before her attention returned to Kurt who had also been looking at Blaine curiously. He mouthed we'll talk later before turning his attention to taking notes.

Mercifully, the rest of class went by without any further interruptions, though Blaine now couldn't keep his mind off the boy sitting right next to him. He was so lost in thought, he didn't even hear the bell ring or the rest of the class file out. Kurt shook his shoulder gently and he jumped, looking around at the empty room.

"Is it study hall already?"

Kurt nodded. "What were you so busy with?" He looked down at Blaine's book and the numbers he had been scrawling in the margin. "11, 21, 18, 20. Are you doing math?"

Blaine flipped the book shut quickly before Kurt could figure out the significance of those numbers. However, this drew Kurt's attention who looked at him curiously. "Blaine? Are you alright? You seem a bit off today..."

"Why are you dressed like that?" As soon as the question was out of his mouth, Blaine bit his lip knowing how harsh it had sounded. Not that there's a problem with it! he added internally.

Kurt, however, appeared unfazed. "Because I'm sick of being a Dalton robot?"

"Kurt, do you know how many school rules you're breaking?"

"None." Blaine blinked in surprise and Kurt sighed, pulling out the rulebook. "Let's see... white shirt, got that. Tie and blazer must be worn unless a special mandate is given by the principal, mine are both being worn. Hair must be kept short and off the shoulders, mine's fine. What I'm breaking is the stereotype... Blaine?"

Blaine had lost track of what Kurt was saying half way through his talk, his eyes being drawn to the hair. Kurt chuckled as Blaine's hand half-hovered then dropped as he realized what he was doing. "You can touch it if you want," he said, taking Blaine's hand and putting it on top of his head.

Soft. So... so ... soft.

"Blaine? What's going - mph!"

Blaine had grabbed Kurt's tie and pulled him in. One hand was still in his hair as they kissed, the other loosely holding the unknotted ends of Kurt's tie. He knew the second that the shock wore off, as Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck, deepening the kiss. Blaine pulled back slightly, whispering, "You are so hot," against Kurt's lips before he pulled him back in. He felt Kurt laugh slightly as the kiss decreased in intensity, Kurt's hold around his neck loosening. Finally, they broke apart, Kurt looking slightly dazed and Blaine knowing he looked the same.

"We should go. Don't want to be late for study hall after all." Blaine sighed but reluctantly gathered his stuff together.

As they walked out of the room, Blaine felt Kurt's hand brush against his as he leant over to whisper, "I was considering wearing it without the shirt..." He winked and sauntered ahead of a stunned Blaine.

Blaine groaned, knowing there was no way he'd be concentrating in the rest of his classes.

(1) Did you oversleep?

(2) No, I was just busy. Sorry I'm late.

(3) Are you alright?

(4) Yes, I'm fine. Sorry

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