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As Mr. Schuester left the room with a promise to send a photo of the tracksuit he decided on, Kurt allowed himself to sit back on the couch with a wistful smile, thinking back over the duet he and Blaine had completed a few minutes earlier. It was one of his favourite Christmas songs of all time and to sing it in a duet with the boy he was in love with managed to fulfill at least three of his romantic fantasies in one go.

But of course it didn't mean the same thing to him as it did to me, Kurt reminded himself reluctantly. It was just a rehearsal for him.

Come to think of it, Kurt didn't know that Blaine actually performed outside of the Warblers, especially not in commercial shows. In fact, Kurt didn't know that Kings Island had a Christmas Spectacular - if he had, Kurt probably would have auditioned for the part himself. Digging out his iPhone, Kurt quickly pulled up the page for Kings Island, searching for Christmas related events. He was surprised to see nothing come up on the main page and continued to search. When that failed to yield results, Kurt pulled up Google and typed in 'Kings Island Christmas Spectacular.' Google had never failed him before after all.

"Kings Island Christmas Spectacular," Kurt murmured to himself. "A timeless show celebrating the joy of Christmas... blah blah blah... performed from 1986 to... what?"

Kurt stared at the page, frowning, before deciding that perhaps all of those warnings about Wikipedia being inaccurate were right. After all, how could the show have ended in 2007? But the more Kurt searched, the more he had to admit the truth to himself. Kings Island had had a Christmas Spectacular... three years ago. Which meant there wouldn't be one this year, which meant Blaine wouldn't be performing at Kings Island this year.

That means Blaine lied.

That realization hit Kurt a lot harder than the others. He thought he and Blaine were always honest with each other - sometimes painfully so, like when Blaine told Kurt about the seventeen uniform rules he was breaking on his first day or the time Kurt had helpfully advised Blaine to throw out anything checkered in his wardrobe and most of his cardigan collection - but it didn't appear to be the case this time. But Kurt's hurt quickly gave way to confusion. "Why would Blaine lie to me about something like this?" he said to himself absently, getting up to throw another log on the fire. "What's really going on?"

Sitting back down, Kurt began to think about the events of the evening. Blaine had definitely said that he had a gig at Kings Island, a duet that he had wanted Kurt's help to rehearse for. And that was weird in itself, come to think of it. Yes, Kurt's voice was feminine but if Blaine was performing with a girl in the no-longer-real show, then wouldn't he have been better off to wait until morning and ask one of the Songbirds to come over? Of course that would ruin his whole pretense... and here Kurt came full circle. Why did he pretend?

There were only a few options that Kurt could think of. One, that Blaine had some kind of superiority complex and needed people to think that he was important and wanted at all times - and Kurt really hoped that wasn't the case, he didn't need another Rachel Berry in his life. Or, two, that Blaine had had an ulterior motive behind wanting to sing the duet with Kurt.

Quickly deciding on the second option, Kurt was left with that question to ponder. Is there any chance the Warblers might be considering it....? But Kurt knew the Warblers weren't meeting again until early January and no Christmas performances were scheduled or needed. Maybe Blaine was performing for something else, something more embarrassing and he didn't want to admit what it was?

Maybe Blaine wanted to sing the song because it's a romantic Christmas duet and he sang it with you because -

Kurt cut the traitorous thought off quickly as he always did when his mind began painfully bringing his hopes up about Blaine possibly reciprocating his feelings. But this time instead of submitting quietly, the thought continued to nag at him until Kurt had no choice but to consider it.

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