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"Honey, I'm hoooome!" Kurt shut the door behind him, pulling off his coat and hanging it on the rack. He wandered through to the small kitchen where Blaine was sitting, working on an assignment.

"Hey, how was your day?" Blaine looked up with a smile and Kurt noticed how tired his friend looked.

"Great, they gave me my own article today." Kurt was still buzzing with excitement but had toned it down when he saw Blaine's exhausted state.

"Kurt, that's awesome! Well done." Blaine smiled then quickly covered his mouth as he yawned. "Sorry."

"Have you been working on that all day?" Kurt sat down next to Blaine, looking at the notebook with his messy scrawl in it.

"Yeah, I've got another four thousand words to do, then I can type it up."

"You look exhausted." Kurt gently reached over and took the notebook away. "You need a break, otherwise you're going to burn out. Come on, I'll make you some coffee and we'll watch Doctor Who re-runs so you don't have to think. You can have this back tomorrow morning."

Blaine looked as if he was about to argue, then sighed. "Okay." He stood up, stretching and Kurt tried not to notice the way his shirt stretched across his chest as he did this. He turned to walk into the living room, then stopped. Turning back, he reached out and pulled Kurt into a quick hug. "Thanks for taking care of me. I really appreciate it." He released Kurt and wandered into the living room, collapsing on the couch with a sigh.

Kurt shook his head and walked over to the counter, switching on the coffee maker. That boy will be the death of me, he decided as he grabbed a couple of cups from the drawer. "What do you want for dinner?" he called, realizing it was his turn to cook. After hearing no reply, he poked his head around the kitchen door and stopped as he realized Blaine had already fallen asleep on the couch. One hand was sprawled on the floor and his mouth was slightly open. Kurt stared for a minute longer before slipping back into the kitchen to start a lasagne, moving quietly as to not disturb his gorgeous sleeping flat mate.


Blaine poked his head into Kurt's room, frowning when he realized it was still dark. He had woke up at his usual time of 6:30, pulling himself out of bed and expecting to have to fight for the shower as he did every other morning. Finding it deserted, he made the most of it, showing before slipping into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. After drinking his first cup and waking up some more, he realized it was 7 and Kurt still wasn't out of bed. He knew it was a work/study day for both of them and Kurt needed to be up so he headed over to the younger boy's room to check on him.

"Mhhh." A groan came out of the room and Blaine stepped in, seeing a huddle of blankets that was hiding Kurt.

"Hey, you've got to get up. Time for work."

The blanket came back to reveal an extremely pale Kurt and Blaine involuntarily took a step back. "Woah, you okay?"

"No. I was up all night throwing up. I'd be surprised you didn't hear me if I didn't already know you sleep like a log." Kurt groaned again, curling tighter into himself.

"I'm sorry, Kurt. If I'd known, I wouldn't have woken you. Can I get you anything?" Blaine felt a twinge of guilt as he looked down at the boy who looked incredibly unwell.

Kurt went to answer but clapped a hand over his mouth, any remaining colour draining out of his face. Springing out of bed, he pushed past Blaine and bolted into the bathroom. The sound of retching could be heard and Blaine immediately went to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water and heading into the bathroom.

Kurt was leaning against the wall, still white and breathing heavily. Blaine knelt down next to him and handed him the glass before grabbing a facecloth and dampening it to put on his face. Kurt sighed at the cool feeling and raised his eyes to look at Blaine.

Klaine OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now