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Hey Kurt :) are you coming back to Dalton tonight or tomorrow? - Blaine

Kurt looked at his phone, brow furrowed. He usually always came back on a Sunday night, so getting this text on a Saturday afternoon was a bit odd. Does this mean he wants me back tonight? Kurt thought as he walked downstairs.

"Hey Dad, what are we doing tomorrow?" Burt looked up from the television.

"I have to go into the shop all day, but I think Carol was going to take you shopping. Check with her when she gets back, she's just gone to get groceries."

"Sounds good, thanks Dad." Kurt went back upstairs, grabbing his phone.

Tomorrow afternoon, Carol's taking me shopping :) why's that? - Kurt

The reply came back almost instantly.

I need to ask you a favour. Can I call? - Blaine

Sure - Kurt

A few seconds later, his phone started playing Teenage Dream and Kurt answered. "Hey Blaine, what's up?"

"Wes and David are. The latest Mortal Kombat game came out yesterday and they've managed to get a copy already. They've been playing it all day and I know they'll play all night too. David said it was cool with him, but I was wondering if I could sleep in your room tonight?"

"That's fine with me, Blaine." Kurt smiled, hearing the frustration in his friend's voice.

"Thanks. And I - well ... you know, well I don't really want to sleep on David's bed, unless I have to. So can I -?"

"Of course you can." But Kurt could feel his heart beating faster at the thought of Blaine sleeping in his bed.

"You're a lifesaver, Kurt. Anyway, I'll leave you to it. Have a great weekend with your family."

"Thanks, see you tomorrow."

Kurt hung up, flopping back onto his bed. Try as he might, he couldn't get the image out of his head - Blaine sleeping in his bed, Blaine curled up under his blankets, probably not wearing a shirt... Kurt shook his head, jumping back off the bed and heading downstairs. As he made his way down he heard the sound of the front door opening and headed in that direction to see Carol juggling a few bags. He immediately grabbed them off her and headed into the kitchen.

"Thanks sweetie." Carol went to say something else but was stopped by a sneeze. Kurt took a close look at her and noticed how pale she looked.

"Carol, you're sick."

She shook her head and tried to protest. "No, I'm fine, it's just -" She broke off into a fit of coughing and Kurt clucked his tongue.

"Come on, you're going to bed. I'll bring you some medicine." He took her arm and led her down to the bedroom, making sure she got into bed before going and rifling through the medicine cabinet. He brought her back all the requirements and set them down beside her.

"I'm sorry sweetie, I don't think we'll be going shopping tomorrow."

"That's alright, you just rest." Kurt backed out of the room, heading downstairs to his dad. "Carol's sick," he announced.

Burt jumped up like the house was on fire. "What's wrong with her?"

"Just a cold, possibly flu. Nothing serious, she's in bed now with medicine."

Burt relaxed and sat back down. "Okay, good job kid. Guess you won't be shopping tomorrow. What will you do with yourself then?"

"I don't know, hang out with Finn maybe?" But Burt was already shaking his head.

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