Spin The Bottle

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"Time for Spin-the-Bottle!"

Kurt groaned as a drunken Rachel grabbed a bottle and practically fell to the ground. The other teenagers cheered and followed her lead, making a kind of lopsided circle. Kurt sighed and sat next to Rachel, cheering up slightly when Blaine collapsed next to him, slumped slightly against Kurt's shoulder. He gave him a gorgeous lopsided grin, marred slightly by the fact that he was plastered, then delivered his attention to the game already in progress. Kurt reluctantly did the same. He took a moment to survey the rest of the circle of people, trying to figure out who he would actually be okay with kissing in this circle. The number was quickly reached: just one. Of course.

Of course, the whole night would have been better if Blaine hadn't headed straight for the alcohol the minute it was distributed. Coming back with a cup filled with something potent-smelling, he had caught Kurt's questioning look and shrugged sheepishly. "Dalton boys don't get much of a chance to party, so I kind of take any opportunity I get." Kurt raised an eyebrow, a question on his lips - does that mean you can't hold your alcohol well? - but Blaine was already engaged in conversation with Brittany who wanted to know if he was a dolphin as well. Kurt just sighed and decided to enjoy Blaine's company before he got completely smashed.

And smashed he got. Halfway through the party, Kurt found himself sitting alone, watching the adorable boy make his way through the crowd, swaying slightly and singing Teenage Dream at the top of his lungs. Kurt smiled at that. Even though Blaine seemed to be a totally different person when he let his guard down and had fun, a lot of things never changed. Blaine caught his eye and winked suggestively before being caught up with a dancing Quinn. Kurt blinked. That was unexpected. He smiled back at the already-distracted Blaine before sighing and dropping his head into his hands. The one night he and Blaine escaped the confinements of Dalton and Blaine was more interested in a bucket of alcohol than him. Lovely.

And now they were stuck playing the most cliche drunk-party game in existence. A cheer went up as Brittany locked lips with Sam. Kurt spared a comforting glance for a pissed-looking Santana before sneaking a look at the drunken boy next to him only to find him staring right back. Blaine was actually starting to look a bit less drunk, thankfully (Kurt wasn't looking forward to getting him home and was already figuring out how to get Blaine into Kurt's place without his dad knowing - he couldn't take Blaine to his own place like this) and gave him another Blaine-esque smile. "Having fun?" he asked, still slurring his words a bit.

"Not as much as you," Kurt said, raising an eyebrow at the state of his normally perfectly composed friend. Blaine sniggered a bit, then turned serious.

"Sorry about all that. I feel a bit more with it now, but I'm gonna have one hell of a hangover tomorrow. Keep me away from any more alcohol, please?"

"Gladly," Kurt quipped with his first genuine smile of the night, taking a small amount of delight in Blaine's smile in return.

"MY TURN!" A yell from Kurt's other side almost deafened him and he winced as Rachel leans over to spin the bottle. Rubbing his ear to try and get the feeling back, he wondered which unlucky victim would end up with a Berry-pash tonight. Perhaps Finn, and then they might finally stop moping around one another and Finn wouldn't stay up until all hours of the night killing things on that game thing of his -

"BLAINE!" came the resounding yell; the guys laughing and simultaneously looking sorry for the Warbler, the girls torn between sympathy for Blaine and sympathy for Kurt.

Kurt froze, knowing that most of the eyes in the room were on him. "Well, this is going to be - outstanding!" Kurt chirped, still staring at Blaine who also seemed to have frozen. And there was a look of panic in his eyes and Kurt took a small comfort from that - he doesn't want to do this any more than Rachel does -

"I'm gonna rock your world, Mr. Warbler!"

Okay, hopefully he wants to do this a lot less than Rachel. Kurt couldn't bear to watch as Blaine leaned across him towards a waiting Rachel. He felt a hand on his shoulder but refused to open his eyes, assuming Blaine had just lost his balance on his way to lock lips with a girl.

You're not here, Kurt mentally willed himself, you're just dreaming -

And yes, he must be dreaming because now a hand was on his face and a pair of lips on his.

At first, Kurt decided that Rachel had forgotten which boy she was meant to kiss and his eyes flew open, expecting to have to push off the drunken girl. Instead, he saw a head of curls that was so not Rachel.

Blaine. Blaine's kissing you.

Before Kurt could begin to try and work out what was going on, Blaine broke away and turned to a disappointed Rachel.

"I do apologize Rachel, but I couldn't in all good conscience kiss you when I have such strong feelings for my friend-but-hopefully-not-just-a-friend-anymore, here, Kurt. Thank you for the opportunity to finally share with him how I feel. Now we're going to go and hopefully make out in his car for awhile before he takes me home - that is if he feels the same, which we're going to go and find out. Goodbye all."

Kurt was still trying to process Blaine's impromptu speech - Blaine liked him? - before Blaine had taken his hand and was almost dragging him out the door. As Kurt and Blaine stepped out the door, they heard one final parting shot from Santana.

"Wanky! Get some, white boys!"

Stepping out into the cool night air was the shock to the system that both boys needed; Blaine seemed to lose the final edge of his drunkenness and everything that had happened that evening finally caught up with Kurt. He stopped a few steps from his car and turned to look at Blaine who was looking back at him nervously, almost wearing his heart in his eyes.

"So, that in there, that was your way of telling me you like me? You got drunk then kissed the wrong person in Spin-the-Bottle and announced to a whole group of people that you liked that person before even telling said person themself?"

Blaine appeared to shrink. "I'm so sorry, Kurt, I've been trying to figure out how to tell you but there was never the right time and -"

"Blaine, this is the complete opposite of what I would have expected from you." Kurt paused, watching Blaine's head drop. "And that's what makes it so awesome."

Kurt loved watching the confusion cross Blaine's face. "So - you're not mad?"

In response, Kurt pulled Blaine in and kissed him again. This one lasted longer than the Spin the Bottle moment and as Blaine began to deepen it, Kurt pulled away wrinkling his nose.

"As lovely as that is, you need mouthwash before we continue any of that. I detest the taste of alcohol, too many embarrassing memories. And then we're going to find ourselves somewhere more romantic than outside Rachel Berry's house because I want more of your lips." Kurt realized the last words out of his mouth a second later and shook his head. Did someone spike my drink tonight or something?

Blaine opened the passenger seat of Kurt's car where he had kept his bag and pulled out a bottle of mouthwash. Unscrewing it, he caught Kurt's eye and smirked. "I figured I'd need it if I was going to get home without any questions asked." Kurt walked around to his side of the car as Blaine mouthwashed and put the keys in the ignition, waiting for Blaine to jump in. As he pulled out of Rachel's car, Blaine's hand snaked around his shoulders and Kurt smiled at the idiotic boy in the passenger seat.

Perhaps alcohol isn't so evil, he thought to himself, two seconds before Blaine started to gag and leant over to vomit out the window. Kurt sighed and pulled over, anticipating a lot of those stops during the ride home.

Still, in all, not a bad night.

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