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"So come on and raise your glass, for me!"

Blaine lowered his head and smiled as the audience burst into applause. He stayed in position until the curtain lowered as per tradition, letting his mind wander as he waited.

He knew Misery and Raise Your Glass were crowd pleasers, but the number that would make it or break it was definitely Candles. The Warblers had discussed the risk of singing such a number in a male-male duet considering the judges, but had gone ahead with it anyway. There was certainly chemistry between the two of them and the judges would quite possibly come to the conclusion that he and Kurt were dating.

So, why aren't you?

The smile faded off Blaine's face as he thought back to the previous week. Asking Kurt to do the duet with him, he had almost been shaking but was so determined to say the words that had been on his mind since he had watched Kurt perform Blackbird.

And then when Kurt had asked that fateful question - "Why did you choose me to do that duet with?" - Blaine felt all of his courage fail him and he muttered something about their voices being perfect together, trying to ignore the look in Kurt's eyes when he had said that. It had only lasted a second, Kurt pulling himself together quickly afterwards, but Blaine had felt about as bad as he would if he had kicked a puppy. Probably worse. Definitely worse. Because Kurt meant a lot more to him than a puppy.

As the curtain began to lower, Blaine made a decision. Once all of this is over and you've all done the customary hug, you'll go find Kurt and get him alone and tell him the truth. Tell him why you did the duet.

The curtain hit the floor and the Warblers erupted into their usual post-performance chaos. Blaine felt two cannonballs hit his back and turned to face a laughing Wes and David, wrapping an arm around each of them. "Great performance, guys," he said, smiling at the other Warblers who came to congratulate him and making sure they all received their own praise. But the whole time, Blaine was scanning the group for Kurt.

When he finally found him, Blaine couldn't help but smile. Kurt was surrounded by his own group of Warblers and Blaine hadn't seen him look that happy in quite some time. He let his gaze linger for just a second too long and Kurt looked up, straight into his eyes.

The moment that passed between them was electric. Blaine couldn't move, couldn't think. All he saw was Kurt and he knew what had to happen.

Pushing past Wes and David, Blaine walked straight towards Kurt who was making his way through the various Warblers milling between them. Meeting center stage, they stared at each other for another second until Kurt reached out a trembling hand and touched Blaine's face.

The touch shocked both of them back to reality and before Blaine could find the words, Kurt had leaned in and kissed him.

They weren't aware of the other Warblers going silent around them. They didn't notice New Directions walking onstage to prepare and stopping in their tracks. They only knew each other, and one thought: finally.

Blaine broke away first, bringing a hand to Kurt's face to mirror the action of the younger boy. Kurt was still shaking but the look in his eyes was so perfect that Blaine wanted to cry. He looked into those beautiful eyes and whispered the words he had been waiting to say.

"You move me, Kurt. And that duet was just an excuse to spend more time with you."

Klaine OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now