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Blaine hummed as he bustled around his room, getting ready for the day. Across the room, Wes groaned, burying his head under the blankets.

"Blaine, I'm glad you're happy. I'm glad you and Kurt got your acts together. I really am. Just - can you be happy at a normal time of day? Not at - what time is it anyway?"

"Seven," Blaine answered cheerfully.

"On a Saturday?" Wes poked his head out, appalled. "Wow, he's got you wrapped around his finger. You never emerge before ten. Neither do I. We're normal people."

Blaine just winked and began to run a comb through his curly hair. Wes watched him for a second, then froze when, instead of pulling out the gel, Blaine simply put down the comb and walked away. "What the hell?"

"Oh, Kurt likes it curly." Blaine smirked at the look on Wes' face before grabbing his bag. "Better head off. Have a wonderful day Wes." He laughed at the muttering emerging from the huddle before walking out the door.

As soon as he left his room (slamming the door to spite Wes), his phone rang. Blaine checked the caller ID and smiled when Kurt appeared on his screen. "Hey, Kurt. Just on my way to meet you actually."

"Actually, about that. Finn cancelled."

Blaine stopped in the hallway. "Oh, what happened?" He and Kurt were planning to go on a double date with Finn and Rachel to see an amateur production of RENT at the local performing arts centre - nothing special but it had sounded like a fun way to spend a Saturday nonetheless.

"They had another fight." Blaine could hear the exasperation in Kurt's voice as he shared the news of the latest fight between his step-brother and overdramatic girlfriend.

"I don't even want to know what it was this time. So, are we still going or should we do something else?" Blaine continued the walk to Kurt's room.

"Well, I've got an idea. Meet me in the front entrance?"

"Sure thing." Blaine changed direction, heading down a flight of stairs. "See you in a few minutes."

"Okay." Kurt hung up and Blaine put his phone away, wondering what his boyfriend was up to. This was only their second date and so far both hadn't turned out as planned. Their first date was meant to be a movie and some shopping but as soon as they got to the mall they ran into a panicked Quinn who begged Kurt to help her find a prom dress. Blaine and Sam were dragged along reluctantly as the two breezed through every shop in the mall before finally finding Quinn's dress. By then, the movie was half finished and everybody was exhausted so Kurt and Blaine had headed back to Dalton and put some Disney movies on. Blaine had been hoping for a proper date this time but since Kurt was waiting for him in the entrance, Blaine hoped that he had a backup plan.

Because Blaine had a bit of an ulterior motive. He loved spending time just hanging out with Kurt, but he wanted the perfect moment for their first kiss. He knew Kurt was an incredible romantic and, after Kurt's experiences so far, he wanted to make sure it was something he could look back on happily. He'd do anything for Kurt. Speaking of which -

And sure enough, there was Kurt, looking immaculate as usual. Blaine jumped down the last few stairs and embraced his boyfriend, kissing the top of his head. "Hey you," he whispered, smiling when Kurt shivered in his grasp.

"Hi," said Kurt, pulling away and kissing him on the cheek. "Ready to go?"

"Sure am." Blaine linked arms with Kurt and headed towards the door.

Kurt laughed and tugged his arm, turning him around. "Not quite, Mr. Anderson," he said, pulling Blaine towards a door that Blaine had never gone through. They entered a hallway that looked a bit less fancy than the rest of Dalton and Blaine furrowed his brow. "Kurt, where are we going?"

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