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"Warblers! Listen up!"

The tired group of boys milling in the airport lounge reluctantly stopped their chatter and turned to face an equally tired looking Wes and David. "We've had a wonderful three days performing here and a huge congratulations to everybody, we've done Dalton proud. The flight to Port Columbus is five hours long," Wes paused to let the collective groan be heard, looking as if he were tempted to join in himself, then continued. "I assume you've all got your tickets and passports, if you don't then you're staying here because I'm not bailing you out. Yes, Thad, we have yours. Don't worry." Wes gave a stern look to the sheepish Warbler with his hand half-raised.

Kurt sighed, gently shaking Blaine's shoulder, envying his boyfriend's ability to fall asleep anywhere. Blaine looked so cute, curled up on Kurt's shoulder but he needed to get him through Customs before they missed their plane. "Blaine," he whispered in his ear, smiling when Blaine blearily cracked open his eyes and squinted up at him.

"Are we home?"

Kurt chuckled, gently pushing Blaine off his shoulder. "No, we need to get through security. Then we can get on the plane and you can sleep again."

"Mm. Kay." Blaine yawned before standing up and grabbing his bag. The rest of the Warblers were already passing through the security gate with their carry-on bags as Blaine and Kurt headed over, Kurt holding Blaine's elbow so he didn't trip over his own feet.

Miraculously, the entire Warblers group made it through security without setting off any alarms or having anything confiscated. This was probably due to Wes telling them all he would happily kick anybody out of the Warblers who caused any delays - he wanted to get home as much as the rest of them. While their experience performing in Los Angeles had been amazing, everyone was dead on their feet and Dalton would expect them back in class on Monday - they'd been lucky enough to get the three days off school to perform. No other group in the school would ever have gotten this opportunity, but since David's uncle was an honored alumni and mega-rich, they conceded that having the Warblers play at his wedding would be an honor for their school and allowed the boys to go.

Kurt dragged Blaine over to their gate and sat him down. "I'm going to go get some food, what do you want?"

"Um.. whatever you get. Thanks, baby." Blaine's eyes were already sliding shut so he didn't catch the look on Kurt's face at his last word. Kurt spun and headed towards the food, trying to keep a silly grin off his face. This was the first time either of them had called the other by a term of endearment. Kurt had always thought those things were cliche and overly sentimental and a waste of time and ... oh hell, he loved it. Of course he did.

Stopping in at Subway, Kurt ordered his and Blaine's usual orders, smiling at the fact that he knew exactly what Blaine ordered, and headed back over to the gate, surprised to find his boyfriend awake and flipping through a magazine. Blaine still looked like death warmed up and Kurt knew he wasn't a lot better, but he couldn't help but smile at his boyfriend who was gorgeous no matter what. Sitting down next to him, he handed the sub to Blaine and dug into his own. They ate in relative silence, trying to ignore the rest of the Warblers causing tired chaos.

"...The passengers traveling on this flight in business class, please make your way to the boarding gate now."

Kurt and Blaine grabbed their bags and stood to the mutters and glares of the rest of the Warblers. The trip had been planned back in September and all the current Warblers tickets had been paid for courtesy of David's uncle. But, as happens with a show choir, two new members had joined by the time the trip came around and while they didn't want to leave anybody behind, David didn't feel right about asking his uncle to pay for another two tickets, even though it was pocket change to him. So Blaine had jumped on the phone to his parents who had arranged to buy him and Kurt tickets so the other Warblers could still go on the flight. What Blaine had forgotten was when his parents travelled, they travelled in style. When the first-class tickets had arrived in the mail, Kurt had been ecstatic - "Leg room, proper service, a row to ourselves and no Wes and David!"

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