Somewhere Only We Know

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Kurt bolted down the stairs into the arms of Mercedes, laughing with delight. Finally, he was home. He greeted the rest of the Glee club, feeling a slight twang as he had all day whenever he thought about leaving the Warblers - or more specifically leaving Blaine. Kurt pushed that to the back of his mind and looked around excitedly at his family.

"Let's get ready for Nationals!"

"Not yet." Kurt raised his eyebrows at Mercedes who had her smug diva smile on. Of course she had planned something, he should've known. "Because there is a reason we're meeting here today. There are some people who want to say goodbye to you, Kurt." She looked slightly over his head and Kurt's head spun so fast he swore his neck cracked. There, walking towards him, was Blaine.


Kurt's heart leapt at the sight of his boyfriend and he couldn't stop the smile crossing his face as he stopped a couple of feet from him. To everybody else there, Blaine was all business and formality. But Kurt could see the smile that Blaine reserved especially for him, and his eyes read so much more. His happiness that Kurt was finally home, but how he truly was upset that he was losing Kurt. And the resignation that he would now only see his boyfriend on weekends, but that was okay. They would make this work and Kurt knew he had the same expression on his face as he tried to hold his emotions in check.

"Kurt, Dalton's gonna miss you. You were a great addition to the Warblers and you made us a better team. I'm sad to see you go but we all know that's something you really want. And I'll get you after school and on the weekends," Kurt smiled, knowing full well that Blaine would be at his house that afternoon waiting for him, "but these guys won't, so they wanted to say goodbye."

"And thank you, Kurt." Wes chipped in unexpectedly from beside Blaine. Kurt smiled at the boy who had made his life so incredibly strange but was almost as much a part of Dalton to him as Blaine. David was on the other side in usual Warbler formation.

"I walked across the empty land,

I knew the pathway like the back of my hand,"

Kurt sucked in a breath because nobody else there had any idea of the significance of that song. He and Blaine had been hanging out in his room a few nights after Blaine had confessed his feelings and he had finally revealed his past and the events that had prompted him to come to Dalton. Kurt had allowed Blaine to cry on his shoulder, then took him by the hand and silently led him to the staircase where they had first met. Standing in the same positions, Kurt had begun to sing the same song.

"I felt the earth beneath my feet,

Sat by the river and it made me complete,

Oh simple thing, where have you gone?

I'm getting old and I need something to rely on,"

As the band broke in behind them (to Kurt's amazement, he had never heard the Warblers sing with accompaniment before), Kurt noticed the way Blaine's eyes were crinkling up and knew he was fighting not to cry just as much as Kurt was.

"So tell me when you're gonna let me in,

I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin."

Kurt stared in amazement as Blaine rushed down the stairs and took over at the piano, the joy spreading over both of their faces because this was something Kurt loved to see Blaine do and Blaine knew it.

"And if you have a minute, why don't we go

Talk about it, somewhere only we know,"

To anybody else watching, it would seem like Kurt was simply enjoying the song, but he was using every piece of strength he had in him not to bawl his eyes out.

"This could be the end of everything,

So why don't we go somewhere only we know?

Somewhere only we know,"

And now Blaine had abandoned the piano and come straight to Kurt, taking his hands and Kurt could see the tears welling up in his eyes and he didn't care about all the homophobic jerks at McKinley, this was his boyfriend and he was going to show that off to the world. As the Warblers faded out their harmony, Kurt received many claps on the shoulder. And then they were gone and Finn was right in front of him with his arms outstretched and Kurt fell into them, knowing the worst was yet to come. He still had to say goodbye to Blaine. He gave a quick hug to Mercedes before turning to face his boyfriend again.

"Somewhere only we know,"

Kurt saw the way Blaine was shaking and just wanted to pull him into his arms and never let him go. He ducked his head, trying to avoid the tears that he knew were coming, no matter what.

"Somewhere only we know." 

And now a tear was running down Blaine's cheek and before Kurt knew what he was doing, he reached in and gently wiped it away, letting his hand rest on Blaine's cheek for a moment before pulling him into a hug. "I'll never say goodbye to you," he whispered before pulling away, still holding Blaine's arms.

Blaine's lips were trembling and all Kurt wanted to do was make the pain go away and give Blaine something to remember him with.

Looking straight into Blaine's eyes, Kurt whispered, "I love you." Then he leant in and gently kissed him.

There was nothing passionate about it at all, this was a kiss of two people who knew their love was close to forbidden but loved each other anyway. This was two people who had found each other for such a short time and were now feeling like they were being ripped apart again. And this was two people discovering for the first time how it felt to kiss someone they loved, to have a kiss that mattered.

Blaine broke away first, staring into Kurt's eyes as if trying to memorize them. "I love you too," he whispered, running a hand down Kurt's face. "So, so much."

"See you this afternoon?" Which is too far away. And then you'll have to leave.

"Of course, baby." Blaine smiled before leaning in to kiss him softly one more time. Breaking away, he gave Kurt one last look before turning away. Kurt watched him go, feeling the tears running down his cheeks before Mercedes grabbed him in a hug again and he brought his thoughts back to New Directions.


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