New Directions Bet

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"Did you see the chemistry between them on stage? Clearly something's going to happen soon!"

Mercedes walked into the choir room to see, as usual, the rest of the group arguing. "What's the drama this time? Someone get cheated on again?"

"We're talking about Kurt and Blaine." Quinn looked up from her sheet music, rolling her eyes. "Rachel thinks it's only a matter of time before they kiss but Mike thinks there's still going to be ages until they realize."

"Ah." Mercedes fought to keep the smile off her face as she sat down. "What about everyone else?"

"Well I think they'll get there in a matter of weeks," Quinn looked around at everyone else. "Puck says within the month. Finn -"

"Finn doesn't want to think about that." Finn shuddered. "So my vote goes for never."

Quinn rolled her eyes again. "Anyway, we're all a bit divided, though I don't know why we're even arguing about it."

Mercedes smiled as an idea came to mind. "So why don't you all bet on it then? You could even get into specifics on where and when."

Apart from Finn, everyone else looked interested in the idea so Mercedes walked over to the whiteboard, drawing up a table. "Okay, let's see..."

After ten minutes and a few squabbles, Mercedes stepped away from the whiteboard, surveying her work. "Everyone okay with this?" There were nods all around as they all examined the board.

Rachel - One week; onstage

Quinn - Three weeks; Kurt's house

Tina - Five days; Tina's party

Santana & Brittany - Two weeks; Dalton

Lauren - Three days; Blaine's house

Puck - One month; Kurt's house

Finn - Never

Mike - Six weeks; Breadstix

Sam - Two weeks; Breadstix

Artie - Five days; Tina's party

"What about you, Mercedes?" Quinn asked.

Mercedes smirked. "I'll be the impartial judge. And, if none of you win, I'll take the prize. Now, everyone chuck in a couple of bucks." She grabbed a bag and passed it around the room, making sure everyone contributed something. "Okay, we'll see what happens."

"What if we're not there though?" Rachel brought up a very valid point. "How will we know?"

"We all know Kurt's going to run screaming to Mercedes the second he gets some action. She'll have to let us know who wins."

Mercedes nodded at Santana. "Yep, I'll be sure to tell you when one of you wins." She pulled out her iPhone and snapped a photo of the board before rubbing it off as Mr Schue entered. Sitting down, she quickly attached the image to a text and sent it off to Kurt. A few seconds later, a reply buzzed in.

What's that for? - Kurt (and Blaine insists on his presence being acknowledged also)

Mercedes smiled at the signature before replying.

ND thinks they know you guys well. They're just missing a few facts - M

Halfway through Puck's rendition of Brown-Eyed Girl, her phone buzzed again.

Well, we'd better give them what they want. I assume you're staying quiet until it all blows over? P.S. Blaine says hi. I actually cannot shut him up, he's an attention whore - Kurt and Blaine

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