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As the giggling girls flounced off, Blaine turns to Kurt and can't help but stare for a moment. The boy looked like he'd just walked out of a 30's movie. On anybody else, Blaine would think it looked stupid. On Kurt - well Blaine couldn't understand how he couldn't do sexy, especially with that voice... Maybe there was just something wrong with him today.

Speaking of which - "Are you alright?"

Kurt stops. "Yes, why?"

"Well you had some weird facial expressions during the song."

Kurt looks affronted. "Those were my sexy faces."

And Blaine can't help but raise an eyebrow because, really? "Kurt, you looked like you had gas pain." The second it's out of his mouth, Blaine cringes because now Kurt looks like he's ready to explode.

"Great! How are we supposed to get on the stage at Regionals and sell 'sexy' to the judges when I have as much sex appeal and knowledge as a baby penguin?"

And now Blaine's really not sure what to think. "We'll figure something out," he manages. 

"Like what?" Kurt raises an eyebrow. "I have no sex appeal. I don't attract people and that's why I'm still alone. I can live with that, Blaine, but I don't want to get up there and show the entire world that that's the case."

Blaine opens and closes his mouth a few times. "Kurt.. wait? Are you serious?"

"You may be happy to perform regardless of your own feelings but I don't -"

"No, not that. Do you seriously think you don't attract people? And you're okay with that?"

"Well what else can I do, Blaine?" Kurt huffs out a breath. "Am I meant to sit around and be miserable every day because I may very well be alone forever? I tried that, it got old fast. Just because you can get anybody you want doesn't mean we're all that lucky." And to Blaine's horror, Kurt is fighting back tears. "I should go."

Blaine reaches out an arm and grabs Kurt's hand as he turns to walk away. "Kurt. Wait, please."

He tugs Kurt over to the stage and sits down next to him.

"Kurt, I'm sorry I hit a nerve, but you've got it all wrong. There is no chance in hell that you'll be alone for the rest of your life, and no way can I get anybody I want. In fact, I haven't gotten anybody I've wanted yet. You know that. But this isn't about me, it's about you thinking you're unattractive."

Blaine watches as Kurt appears to shrink in on himself. He bites his lip for a moment before thinking to hell with it and grabs his hand, running his thumb over the back of it gently.

"Kurt, I - I don't even have the words to tell you how wrong you are. You are such an incredible person and there is nothing about you that isn't attractive." Kurt mutters something under his breath that sounds suspiciously like 'baby penguin faces,' and Blaine sighs. "Even when you were doing those faces, there was something that was still so attractive about you, because it's you, Kurt. You have the most impeccable fashion sense and look so damn near perfect every time I see you. But even when I come to get you in the morning and you're half dressed and your hair is a mess, you still look amazing."

And now Kurt's looking at him like he's never seen him before and Blaine can't tell if it's good or bad but he continues anyway because this stuff has been inside him for so long and he has to tell him now.

"And don't get me started on your hair. It's just - wow. But on top of all of that, there's just you Kurt. Your personality, your wit, the way you have an answer for everything, how nobody sees you uncomposed unless you want it that way, how you put up with idiots like me for this long, and how you just don't see how attractive you are. Because, Kurt, I don't put my heart out on the line for just anybody, and I need you to see how amazing I think you are."

"So, Blaine, in a rambling mess of wonderful words, did you just essentially tell me you like me?"

And Blaine gulps because that's exactly what he'd just done. But it's too late to take anything back now so he just lifts his head and nods.

Kurt grins. And Blaine started mentally hitting himself for not doing this sooner if it meant that Kurt would smile like that. He was so caught up in his internal beration that he nearly misses Kurt's own confession.

" - and I thought I'd never have a chance with you after the whole Jeremiah escapade, but Wes said it would only be a matter of time before you got your act together and - "

"Wait wait!" Blaine holds up his hand looking bewildered. "You knew?"

"I hoped. Wes and David said they knew for sure, but David thought it would take someone close to me dying before you confessed anything. Wes agreed that you'd probably be comforting me but he hoped it wouldn't be so drastic. So .. oh, David owes Wes money now."

"They bet on me?"

Kurt takes one look at Blaine's face and decides that changing the subject would be a good idea. "But hey, it's all out in the open now. And we're together now.. right?"

At the hesitant look on Kurt's face, Blaine rushes to assure him that they were indeed together, before remembering how this whole conversation started.

"As for the sexy stuff," Blaine waggled his eyebrows and Kurt hit him. "Ow! Anyway, what I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted," Kurt sticks his tongue out. "All you need for that is a bit of .. practice."

And now Blaine's mouth is dry because is Kurt really looking at him like he wants to jump on him and -

Oh. Kurt's kissing him. Okay.

Woah. Where did Kurt learn to kiss like that?

Kurt pulls away and gives Blaine a look as if to say am I sexy yet?

"Who gave you permission to stop doing that?" Blaine almost growls, launching himself at Kurt who, laughing, allows himself to be pushed backwards so they are half-lying on the stage.

The second kiss is even more passionate than the first, probably because Blaine manages to actually respond to this one. Kurt is nibbling on Blaine's bottom lip and then his tongue is inside Kurt's mouth and he actually moans and that sound is the best sound Blaine has ever heard come from Kurt. Neither of them care that they're on a hard wooden stage when they could be on a couch or a bed, they're just totally lost in one another.

This time, Blaine breaks the kiss and lies down next to Kurt whose eyes have glazed over. He begins to run his hands through his hair and Kurt whimpers and turns towards Blaine -

"Okay, officially the sexiest thing I've ever seen."

Blaine yelps (though if asked later, he would deny it vehmently) and jumps up to see one of the Crawford girls staring at them contemplatively.

"Forgot my bag," she says, gesturing unnecessarily to the bag she held in her hand. "And your bus is leaving in approximately one minute so if you don't want the other guys to walk in on this, you'd better leave now."

Kurt and Blaine scramble to their feet, muttering their thank you's as they grab their things and hurry towards the door, the smirking girl walking behind them.

She may have cheered a little when Kurt's hand found Blaine's, but who cares? Kurt's newly-found sex appeal might just win them Regionals, and had certainly won him a boyfriend.

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