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"Alright... alright!"

Wes held up his hand, yelling above the chaos. The combined Warblers and New Directions group eventually settled, half-heartedly giving Wes their attention. "I have an idea."

Kurt raised an eyebrow as he stood. "If it involves your gavel, I'm not in."

Laughter filled the room and Blaine caught his eye, winking. Kurt sat back down with a smirk on his face. There was no alcohol - as much as Puck complained beforehand - but the level of crazy hadn't diminished at all. Once Kurt had ensured that none of the New Directions members were going to break anything, he had sat back and enjoyed hanging out with both of his show choirs. And Blaine, of course.

Wes frowned, but there were hints of a smile. "No, Kurt. New Directions on that side, Warblers on this side." As the groups split, Wes gestured to Puck to join him. Kurt watched Wes whisper in Puck's ear, shaking his head. That is the weirdest bromance ever...

Puck grinned, fist-bumping Wes before moving across to try and put his arm around Lauren again. The girl stepped aside, smirking and shaking her head. Wes stepped over to the Warbler side of the room. "You guys go out of the room, we'll stay here. Pick one person and blindfold them, then come back in." David began to laugh, gesturing for New Directions to leave.

As soon as they were out in the hall, Puck immediately turned to the others. "Alright, who's volunteering?"

"Are you going to explain what it is?" Lauren snapped her gum, looking bored.

"Seven minutes in heaven."

Tina clapped her hands together excitedly. "Awesome! Not in though, I don't want to kiss anybody other than Mike."

Puck nodded. "That's fair enough. I need to oversee things so it can't be me."

Santana looked like she was thinking. "There's really only a few hot guys in there and I think most of those were gay. Plus, I can hook up with whoever I want after the party." Kurt made a mental note to spread the word to warn - or inform - the Warbler boys later.

Finn and Rachel glanced at each other before shaking their heads. Sam was also backing out. "You know I don't have a problem with gays, but I'd rather not spend seven minutes in a closet with a guy." Mercedes simply raised her hand which was linked with Sam's.

And now all the eyes were on Kurt. He raised an eyebrow. "How did I know this would happen? Alright, I guess I know them best to avoid any potential awkwardness, though I think most of the other guys were hoping for one of you girls... probably Quinn."

Quinn ducked her head. "Flattered, but not interested. Plus, I'd probably start talking and mess things up."

Kurt sighed. "Okay, blindfold me."

Puck grabbed one of the Warbler ties Wes had given him and gestured for Kurt to turn around. The last thing Kurt saw was Mercedes grinning at him before his vision was completely gone.

"How many fingers am I holding up?"

Kurt smirked. "Puck, if you haven't learnt how to count by senior year, I can't help you."

Santana snickered, and then Kurt felt a hand on his back. "I'll guide you in, bro."

"Thanks, Finn." Another arm - Mercedes, Kurt guessed - was linked in his and they led him into the room. There was a moment of silence, then the sound of laughter from both sides of the room. Kurt desperately wanted to ask what was funny, but stayed silent.

"Alright, person in the New Directions blindfold?" Kurt inclined his head slightly, indicating that he was listening to Wes. "And person in the Warbler blindfold?" There was a second of silence. "Good. You're going to be led into a closet on the other side of the room and locked in for seven minutes. That time is yours to do what you will with it, but of course you both know what you're meant to do with the time."

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