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It had been four days and Blaine was ready to snap.

Oh, he wasn't possessive, not at all. He just wanted to look out for Kurt, he told himself as his fists clenched on the table, to make sure he didn't do something stupid and get hurt again.

And this was the epitome of stupid.

He heard Kurt laugh again and knew he was flicking his hair back, leaning forward ever so slightly as he listened intently ...

No, Blaine was not jealous. And he was quite happy to admit that under normal circumstances, he would be jealous of Kurt flirting with another guy. It was just this guy in particular that was really boiling Blaine's blood and confusing the hell out of him at the same time. Because this wasn't normal.

He heard a thump next to him and turned to see David, who was also watching. "It's ... well, weird, isn't it?" he said, making a face as he looked at the two boys.

"Yeah. Weird. Why do you think he's doing it?" Blaine tried not to look at Kurt as that laugh rang out across the room again.

"I don't know. But more to the point, why is he letting him?" David looked as lost as Blaine as they, once again, turned to look at the pair.

"Oh, Wes, you're too funny!" Kurt laughed again as he leant in, putting a hand on Wes' arm who smiled back.

"I don't know, you're pretty funny yourself, Kurt." Wes then launched into another story, the younger boy riveted to his every word.

Blaine looked at David in horror. "Has Wes actually been in the closet this whole time?"

"If he was, he never told me." David's brow was furrowed and Blaine knew he was trying to think of when their friend had ever acted this way before. The answer was simple: never.

"I know his girlfriend dumped him last week, perhaps he's on the rebound?" David suggested half-heartedly.

"On the rebound to Kurt?" Blaine knew anybody else would take it the wrong way - of course Kurt was attractive and perfectly acceptable to be attracted to, Blaine could attest to that - but David just nodded in understanding.

"Well, Kurt is the most feminine of the guys here. But - no, I don't know. I've got nothing." There was a moment of thought, then - "Unless it's one of those things where it isn't about sexual preference, it's just finding the right person, and Kurt is Wes' right person?"

Blaine growled, and David wisely took that as his cue to shut up.

They sat in silence for a little longer, both trying to block out the sound of the shameless flirting at the next table. Blaine had thought yesterday was bad - after all, that was when the touching had begun - but this was a new level of weird.

He had noticed it when he had come back from spending the weekend with his family to find Wes and Kurt sitting on a couch with their heads bent together, laughing about something. He had asked where David was and Wes impatiently gestured to the other side of the room before whispering something else to Kurt. Befuddled, Blaine had gone to David who had told him that it had been going on all day; "I don't get it, it's like there's a joke that nobody else knows."

The impact had been dulled because of classes, but any time the boys were together, Wes and Kurt were acting like nobody else was around. At first it seemed like they were just getting to be good friends, but after a few days, Blaine knew something was seriously wrong.

He knew about Kurt's crush on Finn, and he himself had experienced crushes on guys who turned out to be straight. He knew that Kurt would take any sign as a positive one, and in the end it definitely wasn't Kurt he was annoyed at. It was Wes, for stringing him along so blatantly. But after four days of it, Blaine was just annoyed in general. In fact, one more suggestive move and he was going to snap.

"Oh, Wes, there's something in your hair."

Like that.

Blaine watched Kurt lean over and gently brush Wes' hair out of his eyes, apparently pulling something out of it at the same time.

Blaine saw red.

Pushing back his chair with a screech, Blaine was across the room before Wes and Kurt could even look up. When they did, he expected to see confusion or frustration, at least on Kurt's face. When neither of those were apparent, Blaine paused for a second before remembering what he was there for.

"Do you want to tell us what the hell is going on?"

Kurt didn't bat an eyelid. "Why don't you tell me what's going on, Blaine?"

"It looks like you two are flirting." Blaine's teeth were clenched so tight he could barely spit out the words.

"Maybe we are," Kurt replied, deliberately moving his hand to place it on top of Wes'.

That was it.

Blaine grabbed Kurt's tie, hauled him to his feet and smashed their mouths together. He felt his lip split and the coppery taste of blood, but Kurt was kissing him back and that was all that mattered. As his anger left him, he suddenly realized what he had done and pulled away, bringing a hand to his mouth and stumbling back slightly. And now Kurt's going to hate me forever and he will end up with Wes, even if he is meant to be straight, and I've ruined everything...

"Finally!" Kurt turned away from a confused Blaine, pulling out his wallet. "Here, Wes. I probably owe you more but this is all I've got on me."

Wes took the money, rifling through the bills. "Nah, you're good. It's enough to take April to dinner tonight. Speaking of which, I'd better call her. Catch you guys later." He turned to walk away, then paused, turning back to Kurt. "It was fun," he said, winking suggestively before the two boys broke into laughter.

Blaine felt his eye begin to twitch as Wes left.

"But, I thought they broke up!" David was in a similar state of confusion, staring at Kurt like the world was ending and he was the only one who could stop it. "They broke up!"

"Well, how was I meant to flirt with him if he had a girlfriend? It would ruin the image completely, wouldn't it? Now, David, go away. I have to explain things to Blaine." Kurt made a shooing gesture with his hands and David left without a word, presumably to find Wes and question him some more.

Kurt turned back to Blaine who had dropped his hand and was staring at him with his mouth open. "You... but... I - what?"

Kurt chuckled, gently leaning forward to close Blaine's mouth. "You were taking too long. Something had to be done and Wes needed a bit of money... and he was bored, apparently. So we decided we'd flirt until you snapped. Simple, and effective."

"But... what if it hadn't worked?" Blaine was still trying to get his head around the situation.

Kurt shrugged. "Well, I would've had a task on my hands trying to turn Wes then, wouldn't I?"

Blaine lost all coherency and could only stare as Kurt laughed. "Relax. I'm not interested in Wes at all, and he's certainly not turning gay. Blaine, I knew you liked me and I didn't know how to make the first move. So it may have taken getting you jealous, but we're together now, so it doesn't matter."

"Oh, I don't know about that. I might have changed my mind." And with that, Blaine turned to walk away, allowing himself to smirk as silence echoed from behind him, until -

"Blaine! It was just a joke, I'm sorry! Blaine!"

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